[国际新闻] 翻云覆雨 爽在云端

$ @. y. I" m4 A7 C2 ?" @" M: h4 m; {中新网2月15日电 有关澳洲航空公司一名空姐与美国44岁的好莱坞男影星拉尔夫·菲恩斯在一架正在高空飞行的波音747客机卫生间里做爱的传闻正在愈演愈烈,这位名叫利莎-罗伯逊的空姐正成为电视和有偿新闻追逐的焦点。csuchen.de* @1 d$ L) f' Q

/ a3 }! T) [5 _. i" ]; C/ B% a& ^  据《悉尼先驱晨报》15日报道,名人经记人米勒称,利莎可以以40万美元的价格出售她有关此事的描述。媒体已披露了利莎在当空姐前生活的新细节。传闻称,利莎1月30日在澳航达尔文飞往孟买航班经济舱内的卫生间与曾主演过《英国病人》的拉尔夫·菲恩斯发生了性关系。# Y8 }9 Y5 W; J1 p) ^

/ K5 ^) f6 w/ x5 H  一家悉尼报纸14日首次登出了利莎的照片并披露了有关她加入航空空司之前的生活细节,报纸称,这位38岁的空姐曾当过反毒卧底警察和大堡礁潜水教练员。
4 s! u0 P! a$ W人在德国 社区人在德国 社区& V; ]! {( H2 K1 ^; Z$ b4 n+ E
% Y# g4 N4 Y7 M* s+ \* p* g) Jcsuchen.de- \( k3 ]9 b9 V  `- Z
  利莎在一份致澳航的签名声明中承认她曾数次与菲恩斯聊天,但她说,在长时间的飞行中与乘客建立良好的关系并与他们交谈是通常的作法。她说:“我认为,空姐职责的一部分就是对所有乘客持友好、自然、平易近人的态度。她在对有关人们看到她和菲恩斯从同一卫生间走出来的指控解释说,她在与菲恩斯交谈中说,自己想上卫生间,她走向附近的一个卫生间。在她走向卫生间时,菲恩斯尾随她进入卫生间,他之后对她作出了一些“示爱举动”。但她告诉他,他应当离开卫生间,因为他的行为是不当行为。她劝说他离开了卫生间,她随后也离开了卫生间。她说:”没有任何一名其它机组人员向我提供过援助,也没有任何乘客知道这一事件。我从未将澳航的声誉置于危险之中。”  w0 E/ T9 x% e' Y/ [; L0 F

8 S1 S2 k9 c, }- O# B( }   罗伯逊称,他的女儿不会引诱菲恩斯和她一起进卫生间。他说:“我不认为她会引诱他作那样的事。我无法想像她会在飞机上坐那种事,飞机上有其他工作人员和乘客,我不认为她在飞机上坐那种事。”他在谈到飞机上的其它工作人员时称:“他们只是感到嫉妒。”尽管利莎否认了这一传闻,但罗伯逊称,他女儿觉得她将失去空姐这一工作。他说:“她可能知道她将失去这份工作。她总是可以在其它地方找到工作,她很年轻、有吸引力、聪明,所以她可以找到其它的工作。”csuchen.de1 ^$ [# C& S$ G( u2 d/ s! p
csuchen.de9 c$ f1 F, W" k. o( D5 I- N; p
1 m2 @: a6 _0 \5 p, S& X& U1 h6 T

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HÖHENFLUG. ]$ N% d4 f: @$ \! }, n
人在德国 社区! B% {' S' d3 y6 ^& x+ u3 |
csuchen.de9 r3 N% X6 j" I# {& a
Ralph Fiennes mit Stewardess in Flugzeugtoilette erwischt
6 Z5 P' W' f7 X5 W/ k& S* T: [' vSydney - Na, da war aber jemand auf einem Höhenflug... 3 y! D3 i& l3 r4 n! c, R" y
Der britische Schauspieler Ralph Fiennes hatte einen heißen Flirt mit einer Stewardess - über den Wolken.
! |/ F2 b9 {0 Z, b  O$ u6 E# h8 O
Die beiden sind auf einem Flug der australischen Airline Quantas beimverlassen einer Fugzeugtoilette erwischt worden. Wenn man bedenkt, wie engdie Dinger im allgemeinen sind, muss es dabei zu einer Menge Körperkontaktgekommen sein...
" ^" v7 d5 K3 M3 Pcsuchen.de
, a, v3 s! r, T7 ]6 ]# s人在德国 社区 Die Fluglinie suspendierte die 38 Jahre alte Flugbegleiterin sofort.Die dementierte jedoch alles. Sie habe sich in ihrer Pause mit dem 44-jährigenSchauspieler lediglich unterhalten. Als sie ihm gesagt habe, sie müsse zurToilette, sei er ihr gefolgt und "amourös" geworden.
/ u; y( O/ x3 K; O" k
# f  s6 A% r, M# Z$ }  s8 s Angeblich habe sie ihn überreden können, wieder zu gehen und kurz nachihm die Kabine verlassen. Sex habe sie nicht mit Fiennes gehabt.

Ralph Fiennes2.jpg (30.27 KB)

Mit Ralph Fiennes auf dem Flugzeugklo

Ralph Fiennes2.jpg

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爽! 九霄云外 空姐主动送上怀抱
5 @) H$ M3 l+ d) @5 v8 O
0 {* z# G  X0 R8 H1 k英国影星雷夫范恩斯和快达空姐的「高空性丑闻」愈演愈烈,加上该空姐答应出售事发经过,迫使这位多次入围奥斯卡的影星首度打破沉默,不过雷夫范恩斯强调,整起事件都是由该空姐主动,他觉得自己是事件的受害者。  p6 }4 X/ Z) J0 R+ k/ Z. G/ e
* c* ~; H3 T5 B1 R* G, K' r# s
! m2 \9 y6 x2 E9 B& q7 _# C0 c. J# H8 \2 n
     祈恩说,「事情是在她主动下发生」。这也是雷夫范恩斯方面首度证实有「九霄性丑闻」事件发生。+ k2 Z5 D) n* z: |8 G$ q
csuchen.de. q1 E' o/ o# p0 h0 A2 l
     祈恩说,「这名空姐在飞机上引诱他,然而她却在给予快达公司的文件中指出,这一切是在雷夫范恩斯先生的主导下发生...并且暗示,男方对女方毛手毛脚。」人在德国 社区7 Y4 C7 x0 C3 `+ x$ W* l7 c9 p

3 i/ S4 [5 Z9 R3 I* S) y人在德国 社区     被问及雷夫范恩斯是否因此认为自己无需受到责难,他的公关经理重复其官方说法:「我不会过问他的私人生活,我也不会评论他的行为举措。」csuchen.de# B& ]% H+ N1 Y; P

, w+ J/ ]0 t2 h. i7 y- z6 E$ |     然而祈恩却不愿证实罗宾森曾强调,她与雷夫范恩斯抵达印度后还曾有「一夜缠绵」的说法。
' Q! t: ?+ T8 X2 N
* j% M+ L6 E" x     被问到雷夫范恩斯是否有机会拒绝罗宾森的引诱,祈恩说:「他当然有机会回绝。不过我要强调的,这一切都是出自女方的主动,雷夫范恩斯没有主动对其上下其手。」
( g$ k" {8 s  ~2 [. N1 I4 L& v- O$ n! |9 Z
0 g) ?( g7 {9 ^

1 p) ~; J% F) e2 D) z# c: D  m2 T
+ A& _8 {8 j6 b; i6 kRalph Fiennes: I was the victim人在德国 社区# Q9 q* \' Z) T; O: w; W
csuchen.de9 ^3 A) B7 i- `$ H; l: ^$ X. |
February 18, 2007 12:00
2 F, {! `6 M/ m9 d人在德国 社区( l; l. T1 d6 \% |; k
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csuchen.de! R" L9 |( t  s' z9 p& j* R' P
ACTOR Ralph Fiennes considers himself to have been the victim of a sexual aggressor in an alleged mile-high sex scandal.
$ ^6 Z* w  ]4 w* \% s
# V% q$ ^$ U9 a. K7 D7 ? Yesterday, the media-shy film star's personal publicist angrily brokea week-long silence from the Fiennes camp to tell the actor's side of anincreasingly sordid story.
, Z+ e+ l& ^6 a* z! G# L6 E7 X, {- A  l. D- s* x
Media manager Sara Keene declared flight attendant Lisa Robertson hadinstigated the incident in a toilet cubicle of a Qantas flight between Darwinand Mumbai.
5 z1 [$ L* @0 g
6 ~4 [  S% ]! {; qcsuchen.de"She initiated the encounter,'' Ms Keene said, in the first confirmation from the Fiennes camp that an incident did occur." C2 A, L4 q) l! y

3 ^! g* e- j: s: z人在德国 社区"This woman seduced him on a plane. She was the sexual aggressor.9 h) ?% M- P! n$ s" }

  @; {2 c4 i4 f1 d* }. d8 q& Dcsuchen.de "Yet she said in her official statement (to Qantas) that he had initiatedit ... and virtually accused him of forcing himself upon her.''1 g7 Y  U7 h  u8 [
# r, s) Q$ o/ i" B) F# M" J! {. N# q
Asked if this meant Fiennes considered himself blameless, his PR managerreverted to her standard line: "I never comment on his personal life. I wouldn'tcomment on his actions.''
6 ^2 }+ Z8 t, V* ccsuchen.de( P0 W7 g# s' M' D$ ]
Ms Keene also refused to either confirm or deny allegations that a relationshipbetween Fiennes, 44, and Ms Robertson, 38, had continued once the plane toucheddown.人在德国 社区/ g1 W# [- e/ l$ R
% }( ?4 H; R& m3 u  t
Asked if Fiennes could have turned down an apparent offer to join MsRobertson in the toilet cubicle, Ms Keene said: "Of course he could havesaid no.6 z% c' h2 T9 r) s" j4 Y
csuchen.de7 c+ g- I4 a2 i! U+ |
"The point I am making is that she initiated it. He didn't force himself upon her.''
) o1 b9 f! `" m* h3 o6 f+ _+ f. g! j0 H% \
As fall-out from the incident continued, Fiennes held early-morningcrisis talks with his London-based publicist from his hotel room in Bruges,where he is shooting a film with Hollywood bad boy Colin Farrell.. D4 }- N. x9 o1 }7 b

) p# X( @4 \$ }- [# i& s( R Ms Keene - who represents other celebrity clients including Jude Lawand Kate Winslet - said Fiennes should not be expected to make any commentin defence of the honour of Ms Robertson.
" S; g$ F; F: a' ?0 B+ SAnd he should feel no guilt if Ms Robertson was sacked by Qantas or had to resign, she said.csuchen.de& _% R7 c& T. [6 Y% V# w
' `+ I' V( I5 [8 E4 ?; ?
Ms Keene said the flight attendant had changed her version of eventsat least twice, and had sold versions of her story to the highest bidderwhile Fiennes had kept a dignified silence.; |0 c1 z+ m6 u5 F: `) s$ O- ~* V
人在德国 社区/ l- H% `" Y7 ~  U: j( J% [$ X
"If you paid all the money in the world, it wouldn't buy him,'' Ms Keene said of her client.
! Z7 |9 t8 `9 r6 P. m4 i8 v% i2 V) b* B. j
& Q- p. s: z4 S"There's not enough money in the world that will make him respond in person. csuchen.de% {, q% V+ E; I8 E0 V
: H3 |: Y/ p8 f; C8 \
"He never has, and he's never going to. The story is over now, as far as we are concerned.''
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The actor spent the evening standing in a picturesque market squarein Bruges watching mate Farrell and a female co-star kiss for the cameras.
2 A0 K& N. Z3 ^) z8 m# d, l+ T7 _- R- A, v4 ], i4 A
A relaxed Fiennes smiled broadly as the director offered Farrell, anotorious ladies' man, and his co-star hints on how to smooch better.
, ]1 n( {0 K: X. b( ?人在德国 社区5 ~" }; P% [% m# z: k' e" _  d0 I& }
Ms Keen said she was personally angry at the way Ms Robertson had acted.
' v& \- r- v" {) Q0 @) V. S- ]: O( ]4 Y' V
"I'm glad she's telling the truth at last. They are my words, not Ralph's,'' she said.人在德国 社区+ i" V! O+ a" r: l1 w# `: W2 z3 j% t
csuchen.de( S8 O( {& U; o" k; V4 [9 ]# o
Ms Keen said she expected Sunday papers in Britain to carry furtherdamaging claims from Ms Robertson against the star of The English Patient.
+ d  o( Q/ h0 k. U+ `
6 `2 C# M" @1 g' R0 o人在德国 社区 In all her years representing Fiennes - including two particularly dramaticbreak-ups - Ms Keene has rarely unleashed such a vigorous defence of thestar.
1 e8 i3 |4 p# U, u3 e' |人在德国 社区1 D0 F8 x$ d+ b" e2 P- F
Until now, her public statements since the incident hit the media spotlight have been restricted to a curt "No comment''.
& }. ~0 k* ]. R7 I7 {7 O
! @( T: l2 O) j1 M/ w) y4 p) M' TFiennes refused to comment when approached yesterday.
4 W$ I- [# r( z/ o9 w% u; ^! o
) V4 @! Z& R: n. @[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-18 11:17 编辑 ]

Lisa Robertson.jpg (49.23 KB)

Hostess ... Lisa Robertson at a party with friends / Supplied

Lisa Robertson.jpg

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Actor Ralph Fiennes. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

Ralph Fiennes.jpg