[国际新闻] 英国神奇男婴 6个月大已学会自己走路

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3 E0 z5 v  L% ^9 Q  ~* ]  K- X  这名6月大婴儿名叫鲁本·罗宾逊,他和父母生活在英国埃塞克斯哈罗市。鲁本生于去年7月,去年9月份,才两个月的他就学会了爬行。而日前,6个月大的鲁本竟然已经学会了走路!

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I shouldn't boast, but this walking lark is easy3 Y: d  M. L! _. _! M
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You have to feel for his mother. In theory, Connie Robinson should have several more months knowing six-month-old Reuben is safe and sound where she leaves him.
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6 x* u0 e% K: b. c% Ocsuchen.deReuben, however, has other ideas and has left his mother nonplussed by getting to his feet and toddling about under his own steam while most babies of the same age are happy to lie back and watch the world go by.
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9 x: \6 C8 V$ p+ pAs the average child only starts walking at about 12 months, Reuben's precocity has left doctors as surprised as Mrs Robinson and her husband John.
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; [# d' L6 P) |9 t" F9 j' q"It is exceptionally early," said Dr Martin Ward-Platt, a consultant paediatrician at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle. "At a year about half of babies have started to walk. A few start at nine months and about five per cent at 10 months. Before that is very unusual."

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Reuben Robinson showing the determination that has got him walking at only six months

Reuben Robinson.jpg