[国际新闻] 联合国秘书长潘基文生涯将以失败告终

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$ l' T6 b' P' k8 T人在德国 社区Welcome to the UN: At a peace rally in Islamabad9 s- S1 N5 S- r

7 j# D3 C6 C8 K% R 《新闻周刊》最新一期(3月5日刊)刊登了纽约智囊团----对外关系委员会(CFR)国际政治经济学负责人塞巴斯蒂安-马拉比投稿的题为《潘基文将以失败告终的原因》的文章。文章指出:“潘基文秘书长肩负了‘不可能的任务’,而且联合国周边所有的状况也都在朝着不利于他的方向发展。”
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7 `) N9 ?  `  e# OWary: A guard looks out of the gates at the UN Divisional Headquarters in Kisangani, Congo where the fragile security situation could collapse if UN peacekeepers are pulled outcsuchen.de+ b( u* X8 r+ j4 A

, ?, d, O! Z7 J+ W 《新闻周刊》就潘基文失败的原因,首先指出了他的当选过程和工作经历。虽然具有36年的外交官工作经验,而且登上了联合国最高职位,但他当选并非是基于“业绩”,而是“密室协商”的产物。另外,《新闻周刊》还指出,潘基文并不是具备了领导能力的政治人,由于长期夹在强大国家之间从事外交官工作,具有放低身段倾听他人讲话的倾向。
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- S' A) z* Q- g8 l$ r; f《新闻周刊》表示:“联合国秘书长不是主导国际体制和争端的领导人,而是被国际体制束缚的囚犯(prisoner)。”并分析说:“在当今的联合国体制下,无论谁担任联合国秘书长,都很难获得成功。”

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3 V! z- l% L# ~  m( zcsuchen.deThe New Guy: South Korean diplomat Ban Ki-moon became the United Nation's Secretary-General in January
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Bound to Fail
3 Q  F7 b! M5 I: Mcsuchen.deSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon has taken on 'mission impossible.' Everything about The United Nations conspires against him.人在德国 社区9 N. t8 X( d6 _3 }, @/ I
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March 5, 2007 issue - On a celebrated Thursday in April 1953, the firstsecretary-general of the United Nations greeted his successor as he arrivedat New York's Idlewild airport, now JFK. You are about to inherit "the mostimpossible job in the world," he told him. Half a century on, that warningstill overshadows the heirs to the U.N. throne. Ban Ki-moon, the South Koreandiplomat who stepped into the job in January, jokes that he has taken on"Mission: Impossible." This is the humor of the gallows.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-27 12:05 编辑 ]