[国际新闻] 布莱尔夫人语出惊人:曾想当英首位女首相

英国首相布莱尔夫人切丽26日语出惊人,称小时候她的愿望是长大后要成为英国史上第一位女首相,戏言被撒切尔抢先一步。她说,虽然未能出任首位女首相,但因缘际会还是成功进驻唐宁街10号首相府。  5 y+ P, i( I- M, r

; `* Z( ^9 Z2 G0 Y, R4 [  R% ^( k人在德国 社区  据“中央社”报道,切丽参加儿童慈善团体“儿童学会”一项名为“当我长大─儿童梦想描绘展”名人谈幼时愿望展览活动,自己爆料表示,“我记得我14岁时,告诉我的朋友,我长大后要成为英国第一位女首相”。本身是人权律师的切丽说,撒切尔夫人打败她成为英国第一位女首相,“但令人惊讶的巧合是,我最终仍住进了唐宁街”。
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9 W( b! J6 x3 e( `4 L3 _0 p* ~5 x  有人建议她可以仿效美国前第一夫人希拉里,等今年布莱尔卸任后,转战政坛。但切丽对此不置可否。她近日正在为推动儿童法律权利进行不懈努力。

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Cherie: I wanted to be Prime Minister when I grew up* ]) i8 q$ Q8 i- J2 g- x
人在德国 社区# I) B) A3 `+ @" r) m7 V
Cherie Blair has revealed a surprising childhood ambition...to become Prime Minister of Britain.csuchen.de4 J" C0 a( u9 H! B, `3 \: Z3 o8 l- A

* ^) I, W7 n3 l. T; `csuchen.deMrs Blair made her astonishing admission alongside a host of stars asked to reveal what they had wanted to be when they grew up, for a children's charity project.
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Photographed in the central lobby of the House of Commons she confided: "When I was 14, I remember telling friends that I wanted to be our first female Prime Minister. ! X! b* |8 U7 M  a

! ^! ^# |; S6 k" s# Y6 b"Mrs Thatcher beat me to it but, by an amazing coincidence, I did find myself in Downing Street after all..."   B" x: j* `1 c) d

: t  l: p7 x, P/ XPerhaps the self-styled First Lady of Britain could follow the example of bosom pal Senator Hilary Clinton, who is striving to follow her husband into the White House.
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Mrs Blair was just one of a group of celebrities snapped posing in the jobs they hoped to have when they grew up.

Blair.jpg (43.29 KB)



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