[国际新闻] 美国: 另类性教育 引来牢狱灾

美国罗德岛州的一位母亲和男友在女儿面前毫不避讳地亲热,并且声称是在给女儿上「性教育课」。他们的荒唐举动给自己带来了牢狱之灾。: O! F0 ]/ V! X8 N. C- s
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7 X) k# t8 B/ f! A人在德国 社区csuchen.de, C9 c' P/ q( t3 G% Q
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' A0 w- Y% \+ E8 y. z普拉塔对调查人员说,他们对此并不介意,也没有强迫孩子「观摩」。他们这么做的目的是为了「教育孩子」。
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: J) j4 V8 \6 e0 e: o. q他们的荒唐理由当然没有被法院采信。法庭判处他们3年缓刑。当地检察官派翠克•林奇的发言人迈克尔•希利说,为了不伤及孩子,法庭允许女孩不出庭作证。
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7 e9 ~( M) e" N# T. B" b  G人在德国 社区Mother gets probabtion for having sex in front of girl   }+ {4 S6 J/ N9 d( @9 y
csuchen.de& X" U2 @, a1 Z" K5 _( R
A woman and her boyfriend were sentenced to three years of probation for having intercourse in front of the woman's 9-year-old daughter in order to teach the girl about sex.
$ e0 W3 b$ _4 e3 _* gA state prosecutor recommended jail time, but Chief Family Court Judge Jeremiah S. Jeremiah Jr. spared the couple time behind bars, saying he did not want to put the girl, who is now 11, through the ordeal of testifying at a trial.  
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* O( ?9 K8 a0 ]+ x7 G* p1 c! tDavid Prata, 33, and Rebecca Arnold, 37, entered no-contest pleas to felony child neglect charges and were given suspended prison sentences of three years, in addition to the probation time.
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"I was outraged as to what they did," Jeremiah said during a court hearing. "I could not believe that any person would do what they did in front of a child." 5 M- w9 ^) Q3 o' ^* T/ X3 j' k8 C1 ]

; ?2 n& n/ I4 Z; eBut "in weighing the interest of the child," Jeremiah said he did not want to put the girl through a trial.
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* L! ^1 K$ q. C! a9 n: C人在德国 社区"In order for the state to prove the case," the judge said, "the child would have to come in and testify and we'd have to put the child through a rigorous cross-examination, and I assume she would have to describe what acts they committed, what they did and how they did it and how it affected her. And it would bother me to put the child through that type of examination."
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Prata and Arnold were accused of habitually neglecting the girl in 2004 "by providing an environment that is lewd and depraved in a manner that makes their home unfit for the child to live," court records show. 7 [$ T8 y$ B$ ~4 V! G: V! j

8 l) w% h5 P. [- ~* q( X) dThe allegations came to light in December 2004, when the child abuse hotline received a call from a Massachusetts teacher who said the girl had recently come to live with her biological father after spending the summer with her mother in Woonsocket, court records show. The girl told the teacher that her mother had sex with her boyfriend in front of her and that the mother did not care if the girl was watching, according to a report by a state child-protective investigator.
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The investigator spoke with Prata the next day. "Mr. Prata said that he and (the girl's) mother believe in a free and open relationship and don't want to hide anything from (the girl)," the report stated. When asked what he meant by a free and open relationship, Prata said, "If (the girl) wants to learn anything about sex, we teach her." & G% X- k( K& q9 e; M5 Q7 e
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In accepting the plea, Jeremiah said the girl is now with her biological father "and is being well taken care of." Also, he said, "One of the conditions of me accepting this plea is that the mother has no visitation with the child unless this judge approves" of it. 0 w# A% ^  G/ X% g2 |& j# t

7 r1 c2 H  |0 L. l& }Jeremiah said Prata and Arnold would have to receive "some very, very serious counseling" during their terms of probation "before anyone can see this child again."
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