[国际新闻] 莱温斯基要嫁给印度帅哥

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* X7 \$ u  u4 n. g, a8 L4 v4 R莱温斯基的新男友名叫艾马吉特Amarjit,现年35岁的他是印度旁遮普邦人。据悉,艾马吉特出身印度富豪世家,曾在西方一所著名大学留学,并获得了博士学位,目前在世界数个国家经营着多家连锁店。
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据内幕人士披露,莱温斯基和男友艾马吉特的相识充满戏剧色彩。2003年,当二人正巧都在印度一个机场大厅等候飞机时,不期而遇。据称,当时莱温斯基见到艾马吉特第一眼后,就立即被坐在她身边的这名印度帅哥深深吸引住了。二人随即开始交谈,并在分别时互相留下了对方的电话号码。csuchen.de/ i3 R- t" A# l5 C8 n2 u
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艾马吉特到达美国后不久,就立即对莱温斯基展开了强大的追求攻势。他多次邀请莱温斯基外出约会,共进晚餐。最终,莱温斯基被艾马吉特的诚意打动,与他共坠爱河。* z% s( u5 `4 N5 C6 O/ z! L

5 M- _: x2 l, k* R+ z0 O9 @然而,由于克林顿和希拉里夫妇先后在2003年和2004年出版了各自的自传,令莱温斯基也在一段时间内再次成为媒体关注的焦点。为了避免这段来之不易的恋情被外界伤害,莱温斯基谨慎行事,不敢轻易和男友公开见面。) J) k# f8 M+ t5 H7 x, h8 B+ Y
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Monica’s secret love
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5 r  X/ w8 d: {7 Q5 B5 E人在德国 社区No one possibly heard about the secret romantic life of Monica Lewinsky, who rocked the White House few years back after disclosing some secrets about her ‘blow job’ relations with former President Bill Clinton. Although the incident possibly moved Bill in writing his book named ‘My Life’ or Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in authoring ‘Living History’, which brought millions of dollars for the troubled couple from the global book market, the naughty Monica is finally having discreet relations with an Indian Punjabi Youngman, who runs chain stores in several countries in the world.* B% y& F8 U, V$ j5 P) j6 n8 J

; y% G) P2 j8 B' ?3 j1 mcsuchen.deMs. Lewinsky met Amarjit (her sweet Amy) a couple of years back at airport, while both were waiting to catch a flight. She was struck, stunned, moved at the well-built Indian young man, who did his masters from a Western university. Although she was not very sure if a new romantic encounter was sat to begin right from that moment, Amy’s eyes simply crashed into her heart and the gorgeous Monica had to finally get them into the circle of romantic world.csuchen.de  ~; H2 L8 S( z1 E6 Y

, ~' h) a- t+ K$ o( \Commenting on his relations with Monica, Amarjie told his friends, “she is a wonderful woman I have ever met.”
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They dated on several occasions already and are gradually understanding each other, says a co-worker of Amarjit.
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Although there is no public confirmation of this secret affair from Monica herself, it is well apprehended that by coming fall, the world is going to witness the most talked about wedding of Amy-Monica couple.2 c- I- S0 w& J
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Monica Lewinsky had a long-running affair with a married man -- her high school drama teacher. It began just after Lewinsky's graduation in 1991, and ended in 1997, when his wife found out. During that time Lewinsky often babysat for their children.
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In June 1995, when Lewinsky landed her internship in White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta's office, she reportedly told friends, "I'm going to the White House to get my presidential kneepads." According to Linda Tripp's famous recorded phone calls, Lewinsky bragged of satisfying President Bill Clinton's needs as early as November of that year. Within weeks of her first presidential tryst, Lewinsky left her unpaid internship in Panetta's office to take a paid position in the Office of Legislative Affairs. Her official duties involved sorting incoming letters from members of Congress and bringing them to the Oval Office. By April 1996, Lewinsky had been transferred to a job in Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon's office, but she continued making "regular visits" to the White House. : P0 w3 g/ P2 J4 ~" _

! B+ q7 g6 T9 T* Q人在德国 社区Tripp, Lewinsky's alleged friend who had secretly taped Lewinsky talking about her sexual exploits, took those tapes to Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff and arch-conservative mother & son columnists Lucianne and Jonah Goldberg. From there, the tapes made their way to Paula Jones' attorneys, who subpoenaed Lewinsky's testimony to show Clinton's "predatory pattern" for their sexual harassment suit against him.
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All these matters came to a head a few days after Christmas of 1997, when Lewinsky returned to the White House and told Clinton she'd been subpoenaed. He allegedly suggested she should be "evasive" when she answered the Jones lawsuit questions. Such a suggestion, of course, would be perfectly understandable ... and a federal crime ("suborning false testimony"). In her affidavit for the Jones circus, Lewinsky denied that she had ever had a sexual relationship with Clinton. Days later, Tripp offered her tapes to Ken Starr, the special prosecutor looking into Whitewater. Starr promptly rang up Attorney General Janet Reno, asking her permission to expand his probe. Reno green-lighted it, and a new circus was underway.
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A blue dress Lewinsky once wore, stained with presidential semen, became an important part of the public record. Lewinsky's mother was compelled to testify against her daughter. Lewinsky herself was granted immunity from prosecution, in exchange for her cooperation with Starr. President Clinton, of course, was impeached. Over blow jobs.
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Lewinsky has since written her life story, Monica Speaks, played herself in a Saturday Night Live sketch, tried designing handbags for a living, and hosted Fox's romantic reality show Mr. Personality. She had previously donated to the Democratic National Committee, but Lewinsky has made no political contributions in recent years.
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1 o9 ^6 U* o5 r人在德国 社区Monica Lewinsky got a White House internship in 1995. That’s an unpaid position working in the White House, which is a standard way to get started in Washington if you 1) are a member of the President’s party and 2) can afford to work without pay. She was 21, just graduated from Lewis and Clark College in Portland OR. Her dad is a prominent doctor in LA; her mom just wrote a trashy expose on the sex lives of the 3 Tenors. In fact, according to Newsweek, Lewinsky's mom drafted a press release for her book that implied she slept with Placido Domingo, giving her "inside" knowledge. Domingo denies having an affair with her.4 O+ Y: v( K+ u; R/ B$ v
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Lewinsky by all accounts had a major crush on Clinton. She got herself a paid job with the Office of Legislative Affairs, and was eventually transferred to work very close to him.
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  s/ [! @; v1 k9 X; u5 i人在德国 社区Apparently, on taped phone calls secretly taped by her friend Linda Tripp, Lewinsky says she had oral sex with Clinton, and that he called her several times late at night for phone sex (meaning, mutual masturbation while talking on the phone.) (Only part of one tape has been made public.) On one of the excerpts of the tapes that Newsweek has released, Lewinsky states that she already had a government job when she got involved with Clinton.
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Lewinsky also reportedly said on one tape that Clinton does not consider oral sex to be adultery. He is said to have told an Arkansas trooper the same thing back in the 1980s. Alert readers will remember that one woman who admitted an affair with Newt Gingrich said he preferred oral sex in his extramarital affairs because he could deny sleeping with the women. Staff members for Virginia Democratic Senator Robb also have made similar statements, explaining his denials.- E. X. Z5 r% S# @; V0 S4 A8 U
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As it turns out, Clinton's definitional defense was a little different; the question asked of him basically said, "Did you do anything to her?" And he is saying, No, she did all the doing. That means he did not touch her breasts or genitals with intent to arouse at any time.# g, M: q' |- k  Q& M
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Clinton gave her several gifts. Her lawyer says that these include a sleeve of golf balls, ash trays and a souvenir hat from Martha's Vineyard, where Clinton and his family vacation. Press reports also say that Clinton gave Lewinsky a blue dress (see "Evidence -- Gifts" below) and a book of poetry, Walt Whitman’s famous “Leaves of Grass.” One reporter claims that Canto 5 of “Song of Myself” is famous as a reference to oral sex. More generally, “Leaves of Grass” is the most famous book of American poetry and the kind of thing that earnest young romantics really dig. Lewinsky's attorney denied that she got a blue dress, "unless you consider a long t-shirt a dress."* M' i; ?3 p) [! J/ j) w# m7 b
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Lewinsky told reporters last summer, before the scandal broke, that she gave Clinton a tie he wore during a televised speech. (A Clinton supporter claims he actually gave the tie.) Lewinsky also placed a Valentine's Day ad for Clinton in the Washington Post last year, according to the Post, which cited unreleased tapes of Lewinsky's phone call as a source. You'll have to scroll down quite aways in this long Washington Post story to find this item. 7 h+ x: d! n9 [  x+ M6 ~. h5 x
人在德国 社区4 u  s5 A' g' y6 k
Posted on 07 Feb 2007 by Root
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