[国际新闻] Broken English no bar to Orange prize 华人作家郭小橹入围英国女性文学奖

英国专为女性设立的“Orange宽带小说奖”(Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction)评选委员会昨日宣布,一位中国纪录片电影制片人进入了2007“Orange宽带小说奖”初选入围名单。csuchen.de" Y4 ~6 M" s( t8 @% s% u  G2 e% ~
八位首次写小说的作者和两位母语非英语的作者进入了入围名单。郭小橹凭借《中英情人简明字典》(A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers)获得提名。她的小说风格体现为一种有意蹩脚的英语----其开篇一句就是“为我的英语难过”(sorry of my English),用以戏剧化表现一位年轻中国学生在适应英国生活时所感受到的文化冲击。郭小橹拍摄的电影曾在中国获奖。7 @# c; c- |5 P6 @

5 K8 @, \3 h4 w. q! r她获得提名的小说是其首部英文小说,取材于她2002年赴伦敦生活后所写的日记。7 N8 S. \& [# a# S2 I) m4 L
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9 _2 k) m9 f8 O! A, A  yA former mental health patient and a Chinese documentary film-maker are among 20 writers long-listed for the all-female 2007 Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction, the award committee announced yesterday.
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Contenders for the writing award, named the Orange Prize until this year's branding makeover, also include established writers such as Jane Smiley, nominated for Ten Days in the Hills, and Margaret Forster, nominated for Over.
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Eight first-time novelists and two non-native English speakers stood out on the longlist. Xiaolu Guo was nominated for A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers. Her book employs a style of deliberately broken English - the first sentence is "sorry of my English" - to dramatise the culture shock a young Chinese student feels as she adjusts to life in England. Ms Guo is an award-winning filmmaker in China.
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First-time novelist Clare Allen was nominated for Poppy Shakespeare, a satire about two patients in a psychiatric hospital in north London. Ms Allen spent several years in such a hospital in Highgate after suffering a breakdown at the age of 25.. v/ `- c6 I( d- m7 x; J. i

8 g# O' j  p% \  o; W5 {( fAlso on the list were Stef Penny's The Tenderness of Wolves, winner of the 2006 Costa Book of the Year award, and Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss, winner of the 2006 Man Booker Prize.
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/ d; d6 r2 G1 K/ Icsuchen.deThe Orange Prize has eschewed the elitism often associated with the Man Booker and other literary prizes. Recent winners have included bestsellers such as Zadie Smith's On Beauty, and Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk About Kevin. / A, U& H+ I: E9 _" C

& S% w7 J$ U, w2 E人在德国 社区A shortlist will be announced on April 17 and the winner on June 6.csuchen.de9 I3 L2 m  ^0 G* R7 c! D# |

) J  t- Z# Y; S1 ]4 c[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-3-21 10:28 编辑 ]
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