[国际新闻] 德国艺术家展出挠痒床让观众发笑

 如果你现在在英国伦敦,不妨可以去Mayfair画展展厅。那里展出的一件艺术品肯定会引你发笑。   40岁的德国艺术家波尔库在展厅里安装了一个挠痒床,床的上部有不断转动的鸵鸟毛,公众们可以躺在床上感觉一下这一作品。   这一名为“床”的作品18日晚在丹佛街的阿莱克西亚·歌德画廊展出时立刻引起了轰动,它是《故事展览》的一部分,这一展览还包括雕像、有关故事讲述方面的电影和照片。画廊的一位发言人称:“展出的每一件作品将引发了涉及‘个性’的多个故事,将给观众和艺术家留下难忘的回忆。”csuchen.de1 V, h" n/ W# p
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0 k! y3 l+ N. A8 f  D+ IGallery exhibits artwork that'll tickle anyone's fancy
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) h$ o8 s& C, i3 x; u人在德国 社区This bit of art is guaranteed to raise a giggle at a Mayfair gallery exhibition.csuchen.de6 V+ F: J# `* p4 V! u4 V( D
German artist Sandro Porcu, 40, has installed the tickling bed, complete with revolving ostrich feathers, for members of the public to try out.csuchen.de) c6 l& E0 w1 d
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The work, called Bed, was an instant hit when it went on display at the Alexia Goethe gallery in Dover Street last night. It is part of the Story exhibition, which also features sculptures, film and photography on the theme of telling stories.
! y. m& N$ ?( \9 `8 k9 u9 Ycsuchen.deA gallery spokesman said: "Every work in this show inspires a multitude of stories involving the personalties and memories of both viewers and artists."

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