[中国新闻] 盛传中共中央政治局常委黄菊9日病逝享年69岁

据英国第一大报《泰晤士报》报导,早前盛传罹患胰腺癌的中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊,于9日清晨病逝北京301医院。中共官方目前尚未证实有关消息。" \$ e9 G6 h' J: E# p, x1 ?3 k
csuchen.de6 S7 F4 ?. a8 |5 ?
csuchen.de% R! }# F5 j  c, W1 x

, i5 L! l/ Q3 D* @csuchen.de报导引述中方消息人士指,终年69岁的黄菊,9日早上于北京301医院去世。301医院是中共领导人接受治疗的指定医院,邓小平亦于1997年死于该医院。
# O2 }1 }9 w! q0 N5 i6 s0 r/ T! m" _csuchen.de熟悉大陆内情的香港《开放》杂志总编金钟表示,也听到有关传闻。他表示,中共对高级领导人的身体状况“瞒病不瞒死”。如果死讯确实的话,相信中共官方会很快公布有关消息,也不排除中共因为内部权斗向外发布有关讯息。 金钟认为,由于黄菊被传患胰腺癌已经有一段时间,他的影响力已经淡出,对中共目前高层的影响不会太大。不过他认为,作为上海帮主要人物之一的黄菊,如果确实死亡的话,将标志着中共上海帮权力的没落,对胡温政权打击“上海帮”有利。 黄菊是9名中共政治局常委中,是中共第六号人物,与前中共国家主席江泽民关系最密切的一个。不过,据北京高层消息人士表示,黄菊虽然在一系列原本与他有关联的贪污受贿案中脱罪, 甚至升任中共政治局常委、国务院常务副总理,但反而使他的劣名更为广泛传播,在权力分配过程中,中共总理温家宝也一直对他加以抑制。 在与黄菊关系密切的前上海市委书记陈良宇于去年9月下台前,外界一度传出黄菊的死讯。对黄菊和上海官员来说,这都是中共胡温政权打压“上海帮”的举措。 而至截稿为止,中共官方新华社仍未发布有关消息。人在德国 社区  w3 I1 \: ^$ ]5 D( {6 I

) d! G. a" `) {/ X! S: Icsuchen.de中共副总理黄菊简介
1 N- |4 q) f0 y  i黄菊,男,汉族,1938年9月生,浙江嘉善人,1966年3月加入中国共产党,1963年5月参加工作,清华大学电机工程系电机制造专业毕业,大学学历,工程师。 现任中共政治局常委,国务院副总理。1995年至2002年为中共政治局委员,中共上海市委书记。2002年任中共政治局常委,2003年3月任中共国务院副总理。
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% h3 c2 c- R. l/ x3 g: x人在德国 社区
0 I; j- t0 S9 @1 J! I7 D
0 z% y; ^" x+ q1 L0 d6 b0 G8 d+ e人在德国 社区May 9, 2007% l5 ~2 @( F4 n+ b! H
( h7 R  I& k8 v% Z% ^' g4 l* X
China denies its finance minister has died' q; G" }% v1 R/ l; @; Z; K3 c

; ]1 l) _% I# q. G7 e# q9 p  vChina's government today took the rare step of denying that one of its most senior members had died. 8 ]7 C1 i3 e8 r5 a0 |# _
人在德国 社区; J& e( G, h$ A/ ^& N1 M7 B' O
Sources at the 301 military hospital in Beijing had indicated to The Times that Huang Ju, China’s vice premier in charge of economic reform, the sixth most powerful official on China's ruling Politburo Standing Committee, died this morning at the age of 69 after a prolonged battle with pancreatic cancer.
5 r/ T2 F1 i/ ]- l/ n8 fcsuchen.de3 }7 a3 I  ^# M' H& [* R5 R
The reports were circulated by the Hong Kong media and reported by all major international news agencies.
) H4 @* `  Z& z+ STelevision stations which had been reporting the death were however forced to issue a hasty retraction after China’s State Council, or cabinet, dismissed the news.
; }9 C) \* j% o- N* f& W, Q6 f' o
The State Council said: “It is our understanding that news regarding comrade Huang Ju’s death is totally unfounded.” 2 ]- O. f; Q; ?! p, e8 t

/ S9 s; H; h4 C* T- a) N+ d/ G2 @Sources at the hospital voiced surprise at the denial.
$ P# g6 R$ v" U人在德国 社区csuchen.de+ i) F+ h) T5 D6 l8 `
It is not disputed that Mr Huang has been undergoing treatment for cancer at the 301 hospital in western Beijing, where most Chinese top leaders undergo treatment and where paramount leader Deng Xiaoping died in February 1997
+ n0 L" I- @. v" m1 c
1 L1 \+ V9 q& r) I人在德国 社区The death of the vice premier in charge of the economy, if confirmed, would open the way for President Hu Jintao to appoint an ally to fill his seat on the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee.
: y( V8 [4 c) _  Y人在德国 社区$ {: c% o* B6 {5 s
Rumours have swirled for months that Mr Huang was seriously ill, but his failure to appear at the funeral of Bo Yibo, last surviving leader of the Mao Tse-tung generation of leaders, in January, was the clearest sign that Mr Huang was having difficulty carrying out his official functions. He appeared briefly at the annual session of the National People’s Congress, or parliament, in March when he voiced his support for President Hu. He did not attend the closing session. : b+ E/ h$ M, ^. l) S$ O

' A3 `6 i0 J0 dThe engineering graduate of Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University has spent most of his career in Shanghai, where he was a protégé and close ally of the former president and Communist Party leader, Jiang Zemin. His close ties to Mr Jiang have given him a reputation as a member of Mr Jiang’s “Shanghai clique” in the top echelons of the party. President Hu has been gradually trying to build his own powerbase since he came to power in 2002 by replacing Mr Jiang’s men.
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The death of Mr Huang would provide the president with an important opportunity to move one of his own loyalists onto the Politburo Standing Committee – a group of nine men who wield ultimate power in China. Mr Huang became a standing committee member in 2002 and is one of four vice premiers of China.

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May 09
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5 H. `4 a9 s- C2 c' A# S8 ]$ _人在德国 社区China Government: Report On Vice PM Huang Ju Death "Groundless"
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$ |+ k  O  C9 y% G3 X- X& F$ v
' T) K8 ]  X; `4 C2 yBEIJING -(Dow Jones)- China's State Council said late Wednesday a media report that Vice Premier Huang Ju has died is "groundless."
; X4 l2 I4 r8 |9 H 1 o' q3 [: S- ~) n) M7 l1 P/ ]: t
"Based on our understanding, the information that Comrade Huang Ju has died is groundless," an official from the State Council Information Office told Dow Jones Newswires, quoting from a State Council statement.* ~) B3 F+ b, [  r4 o! n2 r
2 ?3 g/ l0 l1 Y- x5 a$ U7 |+ a3 T: T# r
The statement was in response to a report on the Web site of U.K.-based The Times that reported Huang died in a Beijing hospital Wednesday morning.
, r5 k1 y- }* Y) H" k 人在德国 社区. C7 O2 j& f  E; o! h' t
Last year, a government spokesman confirmed Huang had been unwell and was undergoing treatment in a hospital, following media reports at the time the senior leader had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


外电报导黄菊病逝csuchen.de6 S$ a8 K4 G5 F

* R* v4 `7 }& `. b7 F* J6 Xcsuchen.de英国《泰晤士报》网站报道,中共政治局常委,国务院副总理黄菊周三凌晨在北京病逝。中国外交部对本台表示,没有有这方面的消息;而国务院则否认有关报道。分析人士认为,黄菊去世有利于中共总书记胡锦涛的权力布局。
1 [/ z, p7 ]% D- f+ d5 D7 d/ m  q. D
1 k" J1 Q: g6 _2 f2 D. A4 K人在德国 社区英国《泰晤士报》引述中国消息人士说,罹患胰腺癌数月之久的黄菊,周三凌晨在北京解放军301医院病逝,享年69岁。而中国国务院的一名官员在回答西方传媒查询时,则否认黄菊病逝,指报道并无根据。本台粤语组致电中国外交部查询,发言人办公室表示,他们没有这方面的消息。
  y& o- @8 }0 E. n, T/ f人在德国 社区
, m2 F! g5 }. l" y而香港凤凰卫视曾报道华菊逝世的消息,但晚上撤回并道歉。4 ?% Z3 n; X% x( K; U. }3 C
人在德国 社区: z! ]& m) e1 n  G7 G
出生于1938年9月的黄菊,原名黄德钰,是浙江省嘉兴嘉善人。1963年毕业于清华大学电机工程系。1966年3月加入中国共产党,去世前任中共政治局常委,国务院副总理,主管经济工作。黄菊长期在上海工作,被认为是江泽民的亲信,也是所谓“上海帮”的重要成员。人在德国 社区& |+ u3 |% v# k+ W
csuchen.de: b( ]- e1 d5 w2 u  v! W
香港城市大学政治席讲座教授郑宇硕对本台粤语组表示,黄菊因为长期患病,已经很久没有参与实质的工作,因此他的去世对中国政坛不会造成太大影响。他认为接替黄菊职务的,不会是“上海帮” 背景,也不会是胡锦涛的“团派”成员。csuchen.de' d  t5 y/ D$ n

* x: ?1 r2 G: Y) T1 g0 V据维基百科介绍,黄菊1987年作为上海市长候选人而被推荐为中央委员候选人时,遭遇极低选票而遭落选,因此中央决定由朱熔基出任上海市长。1991年,因朱熔基前往北京任国务院副总理,黄菊才开始在上海掌权。1995年,黄菊的女儿嫁给旅美台湾报人方大川之子方以伟,此后方以伟在旧金山收购多家中英媒体,并任上海-旧金山姐妹友好城市委员会主席。江泽民访美期间还曾专程到旧金山访问。此外,黄菊的夫人余慧文是上海慈善基金会副会长,其弟弟黄昔是原上海浦东发展集团副总裁。香港中国人权民运中心去年曾报道,二人因涉嫌卷入巨额舞弊案而遭中纪委调查。人在德国 社区7 ?9 Y$ K. H4 y' ?5 c
5 y9 y' O9 j% d; @9 Y6 D
+ p  s# E% r' B人在德国 社区
# A5 v2 t" Q1 ^: A人在德国 社区去年2月,香港《南华早报》最先报道了黄菊逻患胰腺癌的消息,到去年3月中共政协的新闻发布会上,发言人承认黄菊入院治疗。黄菊最后一次公开露面是在今年3月两会期间,他曾经参加了上海代表团的审议会议。
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