Some viewpoints of "Globalization of Guangzhou"

本帖最后由 wamway 于 2009-6-21 16:23 编辑

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Soyez

1992 - 2007: Chair of Dept. of Geography, University of Cologne.
2007- : Part-time Professor Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, Schoolof Geography and Planning/School of Tourism Management.

Vice President of the International Geographical Union/IGU, the world-wide umbrella organization of geographers.

Some viewpoints (Maybe not the original words):

  • The concept about globalization are normally about the financial influence from above, for example, a Financial center such as Frankfurt. But the globalization of Guangzhou are from below, the not so rich African businessman that sale the cheap products from Guangzhou to African countries.

  • There are 30 to 50 thousand of black African living in Guangzhou, mainly for business.

  • The African in Guangzhou are seperated from the Chinese since they can't speak Chinese and the Chinese nearby are a little bit afraid since they don't how to deal with the Blacks, similar to Turk in Germany.

  • How to treat those foreigners in Guangzhou? The good Canadian way or the inappropriate German way? Now it's more like the German way, both from government and society.

  • The sex ratio of those African business people. Mostly man with Muslin religion and women with Christian religion.

  • How do they resove the sex problem? For some of the man, they will marry a Chinese girl and get birth children. The Muslin rules that they can't marry non-Muslin is not much a problem in the attracting of beatiful women and the loneliness of living in China.

  • About the questions on the quality of Chinese products. The Chinese products are cheap enough so that they can afford to buy and good enough for several years. They also would like to buy the good quality western products but the high price stopped them out.

  • Chinese factory in Africa. Africans like to work in those Chinese factory since they are treated in different way from those western ones. The western investors are thought as colonists because of the history.


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