[国际新闻] 美民主共和两党议员州议院开打

美国阿拉巴马州参议院7日发生了一起议员之间的打斗事件,一位共和党议员拳击一名民主党同事的头部,两人随即扭作一团,人们随后试图将他们拉开,场面一度失控。- V9 c; u) O: h

2 S% I) a' Z# O% F3 Mcsuchen.de据中新网6月8日电,共和党参议员查尔斯-毕肖普声称,民主党参议员博龙用粗话骂他。他说:「我用我的右手对他的言论作出了反应。」阿拉巴马州公共电视台拍下了打斗的整个过程。
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博龙拒绝就此发表评论,他和其它民主党人举行了一个闭门会言,参议员费古里斯带著药品进入会议室,但是她说,博龙没有受伤。 毕肖普称,他对他拳击博龙表示遗憾,称这不是成人解决他们问题的方法,但是称他不会立刻向博龙道歉。
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0 r+ t9 U: ?- B5 Z. J3 C据悉,参议院当天中午刚刚休会,毕肖普走近博龙所坐的座椅。安全官员和其它人随后急忙把他们拉开。阿拉巴马州议会称,这一事件给整个议会造成了不良影响。共和党参议员杰伊称:「这肯定会给议会尤其是参议院造成不良影响。」
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0 Z- N' K5 p& B4 V4 F5 H2 A! [2 mJune 7, 2007, 11:58PM
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Alabama Senate ends with a bang, and blowcsuchen.de0 z+ p2 _- f% b* g6 S9 ~. _
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MONTGOMERY, ALA. — Simmering tensions in the Alabama Senate boiled over Thursday when a Republican lawmaker punched a Democratic colleague in the head before they were pulled apart.& t9 j+ `/ x3 O. W( C8 b7 a

* `9 ^1 e& p. mRepublican Sen. Charles Bishop claimed that Democratic Sen. Lowell Barron called him a "son of a (expletive)."+ U( ]+ |: p2 F) |) s
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"I responded to his comment with my right hand," Bishop said. Alabama Public Television tape captured the punch.  \! D, x! ]  [
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Barron did not comment and went into a closed-door meeting with other Democrats.: z( K  ?  c0 R6 N3 W$ D: d1 I. u
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Sen. Vivian Figures went into the meeting carrying first aid supplies, but said Barron was not hurt.