[中国新闻] 中国加强对美国输华食品的检验检疫程序

2007年6月27日 星期三
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: ?! I' a2 ]) d* ]中国以产品不安全为由扣留了两批来自美国的食品,并警告要加强对美国输华食品的检验检疫程序。人在德国 社区/ E2 T) H/ ~4 _

: K5 A! v+ Q5 x: e+ V  d中国食品安全检查部门昨日在其网站上表示,政府检查人员分别截获了从美国船运来的柳橙果肉和杏脯,因为这些产品含有过量的细菌和霉菌。9 @* A! p: n  q) ~4 e

6 A# ^$ L6 T5 I) B由于美国不久前爆发了一系列有关中国进口产品的质量丑闻,因此,很多进口商会将这项公告视为中国官方的一种报复。$ E- |( e# |  `8 p

1 ^# ]7 Q1 g8 a" y: Q在声明发布前一天,美国监管机构宣布召回一家中国公司制造的多达45万个轮胎,原因是这些轮胎存在安全隐患。
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中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine)表示,柳橙果肉是在东部省份山东查获的,杏脯是在深圳查获的。
" U6 f' q) }3 n/ N人在德国 社区
: t4 u+ i0 D1 ]4 Z) ^5 Pcsuchen.de质检总局表示这些货物“细菌总数、霉菌和二氧化硫含量超标”,但没有具体说明查获的时间和数量。7 n& ?! \8 v9 o5 t
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该机构在声明中表示,已要求地方质检部门“加强对美国输华食品的检验检疫”。: c* e6 n$ {+ Y+ ?9 X' T! r1 |% s

& z% Z/ p; G+ p人在德国 社区某欧洲贸易公司驻上海的一位高管表示:“没有看到关于这些货物的细节,我们说什么都没有把握,但显然,这看起来像是要引开人们对中国及其自身质量问题的关注。”
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6 M% S% p# H# U% J& s美国政府下属的国家公路交通安全管理局(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)周一宣布召回新泽西州分销商Foreign Tire Sales销售的轮胎,这些轮胎可用于有篷货车、SUV和小型敞篷载货卡车。: t" K# A7 E# ]5 b7 k
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由中国杭州中策橡胶有限公司(Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber)制造的这些轮胎缺少一层帮助加固轮胎、防止胎面分离的橡胶层——2000年,正是这个问题导致美国大规模召回凡世通轮胎(Firestone)。记者昨日未能联系到杭州中策的管理人员置评。" o7 ~/ y5 z( I' V: k2 |$ @

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2 v( [) {( P# S" T% f4 z* m8 ^By Geoff Dyer in Shanghai
- P- P- n9 I+ D/ K7 I  o' O9 s! ^Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5 y. O& J0 V0 H2 P
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, D$ ~% Y( p1 V/ I0 a- Y3 b人在德国 社区
/ t' Z; e( y, o# S" T! n: ?China has impounded two shipments of food from the US on the grounds that the produce is unsafe and warned that procedures for monitoring American food imports should be tightened.
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* K5 v- |+ A9 o8 V7 A* c% @Government inspectors seized separate shipments of orange pulp and apricots from the US because they contained excessive bacteria and mould, China's food safety inspectorate said yesterday on its website.
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Coming on the back of a series of scandals in the US over the quality of imported goods from China, the announcement will be considered by many importers as a form of retaliation by the Chinese authorities.
1 ?3 V1 U; \. V人在德国 社区csuchen.de0 K# K2 p1 s2 O/ B
The statement comes one day after regulators in the US announced a recall of up to 450,000 tyres manufactured by a Chinese company because of a potentially dangerous safety problem.
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China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said it had impounded the orange pulp in the eastern province of Shandong and the apricots were seized in Shenzhen.6 R0 R- [, f' D6 P/ }

2 x8 ]( C1 t) Y9 P7 G/ y+ }1 ^7 yThe shipments contained “excessive bacteria, mould and sulphur dioxide”, the agency said, but gave no details about when they were impounded or how big the shipments were.
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% ]- L( `! |) D' r) KThe agency's statement said local departments had been advised to “strengthen quarantine and inspections on food imports from America”.5 ~7 z5 ^" K6 F5 Q+ F
& W5 X3 w7 O0 X( w' T8 ^
An executive at a European trading company based in Shanghai said: “We cannot say anything for sure without seeing details about the shipments, but it certainly looks like a way of deflecting some of the attention away from China and its own quality problems.”1 D" }" D& G9 ]$ k7 F/ }  N
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The US government's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced on Monday the recall of tyres sold by Foreign Tire Sales, a New Jersey distributor, which are used in vans, sports utility vehicles and pick-up trucks.csuchen.de0 m; U% ?" V, v- O1 _3 T; K1 D  ]

5 m4 N0 k# a$ j4 [The tyres, made by a Chinese company called Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber, lacked a gum strip that helps strengthen the tyre and prevent tread separation – the problem that caused a massive recall of Firestone tyres in the US in 2000. Officials at Hangzhou Zhongce could not be reached for comment yesterday.5 Q7 R, B( r. x; i5 m3 Q4 y/ F  F
9 O8 r7 h9 q6 X
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Financial Times
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