[国际新闻] 英报披非洲难民变成伦敦地铁自杀人弹内幕

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! K2 J- w* V# n, ocsuchen.de  伦敦的一家地方法院9日做出正式判决,四名男子在2005年7月21日的一次未遂炸弹袭击案中犯有阴谋策划谋杀罪。这四名男子分别是29岁的穆克塔尔·萨伊德·伊卜拉欣,26岁的亚辛·奥马尔,25岁的拉姆齐·默罕默德,以及28岁的胡赛因·奥斯曼。两年前,在伦敦的公共交通线路上发生一系列炸弹袭击导致52人死亡后,这四人企图再次在火车和汽车上引爆炸弹。英国警方在调查中发现,这四名嫌犯全部是从东部非洲为躲避迫害而逃至英国的难民,英国政府在他们最困难的时候为他们提供了临时居所、子女教育以及免费基本医疗等部分国民福利。调查还发现,这些人在抵达英国之前以及刚到英国后并没有极端主义倾向,而是当他们因为宗教原因与一些极端人士,如阿布·哈马扎接触后,才开始逐渐变得偏激,并在内心种植下仇恨西方的极端思想。
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0 |; z& r* C3 t$ U  英国反恐情报机构前负责人伯尔·里斯本称,恐怖阴谋涉及英国公民或者曾在英国呆过一段时间的外国移民。制造这些袭击事件的恐怖团伙可能是由不同的人员组织,其中的一种观点认为团伙中有不同的民族,甚至所使用语言也不同。互联网对于极端化的过程非常重要,英国安全部门正试图跟踪任何“虚似成为现实”的动向。根据最近的趋势,爆炸案的制造者很可能是年轻人,他们被极端化的过程很短。人们夸大了袭击事件与伊拉克的关系。虽然恐怖分子经常在巴格达使用装有煤气和汽油罐的汽车炸弹,但汽车炸弹远不是新鲜事物。1990年代的巴基斯坦、1980年代初的黎巴嫩、英国都曾发生过使用汽车炸弹的案例。最新恐怖袭击事件再次向英国传达了如下信息:我们所从事的活动要远超政治的范围,这是一场有关正义和邪恶的斗争,斗争所持续的时间将很长,这一事业将远比首相的就任或离任、甚至比一场战争还要重要。
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8 R# N' y: |  j9 P+ _/ b8 u6 Y9 gcsuchen.de  据报道,对于那些移居英国的非洲难民或者其他普通穆斯林民众,他们希望进一步消除宗教和种族歧视,让穆斯林等少数族群感到多元文化的英国也是他们的家园,因为恐怖活动更深重的灾难是把相对平和的社会一步步推向极端的社会;他们在呼吁政府调整外交政策,但同时希望政府增加情报力量,提高情报准确度;他们给政府出谋划策,希望政府把地方警察体系和国家反恐力量结合起来,以便及时地解决恐怖突发事件,减少国民伤亡的可能性;他们认识到“汽车炸弹”这种以前在英国很少见的恐怖行动来自于中东,与“基地”等恐怖组织不无关系,因此希望政府在民间增大反恐教育的力度,让大众知道恐怖发生的种种迹象,这次恐怖袭击之所以没造成重大伤亡就在于英国普通平民的举报;他们反对全国草木皆兵,但同时吁请政府完善具有长期意义的反恐法。(英国《每日邮报》)
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Stripped for surrender: Ibrahim (left) and Mohammed under arrest two years ago 人在德国 社区: p0 X7 |2 M' Z
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: F7 m( h1 ]4 {6 lcsuchen.deBombers on benefits: How four refugees taking sanctuary in Britain betrayed us
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Police and MI5 missed a string of chances to stop themcsuchen.de: p: N( c9 v9 W" X" l" p
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: l$ W; r+ V5 r- n) |csuchen.deThey fled to Britain from war- torn East Africa to escape persecution. csuchen.de# K# E! f6 a2 a4 `9 l1 D

! l6 R+ x) o' {. Q! o, ~9 u: `, O" zHere, they were given homes, an education and benefits by a society which held out the hand of friendship. , U; d4 `( N1 r+ _. l9 X7 I
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In return, Muktar Said Ibrahim, Ramzi Mohammed, Yassin Omar and Hussain Osman plotted mass murder against the very people who gave them sanctuary when they needed it most.人在德国 社区% o, Y/ ^& X- N$ ?$ h
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The six men on trial: (from the left, top row) Manfo Asiedu, Muktar Said Ibrahim, Ramzi Mohammed and (from the left, bottom row) Yassin Omar, Hussain Osman and Adel Yahya. Ibrahim, Omar, Osman and Mohammed have been found guilty
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' Q7 H0 b" w" q) V* [7 e) @The four Islamic terrorists were facing life sentences last night after they were convicted of the 21/7 suicide bomb plot, which they hoped would be 'bigger and better' than the 7/7 attacks two weeks before which killed 52.
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Their Eritrean-born ringleader Ibrahim, 29, was given British citizenship and a British passport despite serving a lengthy jail term for two violent robberies, with a conviction for sexual assault also to his name.
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. S. d! F  T( X: a7 r1 y人在德国 社区The one and only time he used his prized passport was to travel to Pakistan, where he almost certainly attended an Al Qaeda training camp and where he is suspected of meeting two of the 7/7 bombers and planning coordinated suicide attacks on London. csuchen.de3 L# t1 _& Z6 U0 e# d' a* U% Y

) f6 k9 G, ^. w% m* P/ k: wHe and his cohorts had claimed more than £165,000 in benefits between them before they tried to blow up Tube trains and a bus as retribution for the Iraq war.
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/ \$ `1 s' p- r9 {3 N- y& |A jury at Woolwich Crown Court in South-East London yesterday found Ibrahim, Mohammed, 25, Omar, 26, and Osman, 28, guilty of conspiracy to murder after a six-month trial in which it was said their plot was foiled by sheer 'good luck'.   l. |7 C# g/ h7 A0 W! I. U8 s& ^
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Their bombs - made from household products including hair bleach and chapatti flour - were 'viable' but Ibrahim had miscalculated the proportions in which the ingredients had to be mixed. ; k! n. i2 [( f2 p
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The jury will return to court today to continue its deliberations on codefendants Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, 33, who is alleged to have dumped a fifth bomb in a park after losing his nerve, and Adel Yahya, 24 who allegedly helped buy materials for the bombs before flying to Yemen a month before July 21, 2005.
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The four convicted men will be sentenced later.
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Deadly: The bomb on the Northern Line train which Mohammed tried to blow up. Nails and screws are clearly visible on the yellow liquid on the floor
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