[国际新闻] 世界十大购物天堂 曼谷东京上榜

2007年07月11日 16:20 来源:中国新闻网
& q4 ?. W( h! U" K8 o( L: N$ W' m
7 r  `$ ~5 u* H$ W中新网7月11日电 据台湾媒体报道,《福布斯》近日推荐全球10个购物天堂,可供读者出国购物参考。 人在德国 社区; O9 u1 P: d: E/ L5 K
  丹麦哥本哈根 买前卫设计" f# t* e, q1 Q
( ~; I/ @7 W3 U9 W
  想买设计前卫的物品,到哥本哈根市中心就对了。许多服安装计名师进军国际前,都先在此地生根,他们作品创意十足,但仍适合平时穿着。哥本哈根每年举办设计展,今年活动在8月9日登场、12日退出。( |1 ~0 _. v% x/ ^8 \4 o% P* J
, l! t1 G* x& r+ A5 m& m/ ?

  布宜诺斯艾利斯 买男装、皮制品

  因汇率关系,购物不心疼,是采购男装和皮制品的好地方。女性常往Recoleta区跑,不过要查找国际名牌之外的特殊服饰,就要逛Palermo Soho区,大街上有些精品店,可是逛小巷中的商店更有乐趣。
0 b5 m1 R  J+ q" ?  M: A

  曼谷 买小饰品、手工艺

( u: |5 x/ Y! w# I1 U4 E3 w( Qcsuchen.de

  东京涩谷 享寻宝探险之喜

  街道有如迷宫且标记欠佳,在这里逛街会迷路,但有寻宝探险的惊喜。推荐东急手百货、Beams连锁店,以及个人设计师、品牌驻点的Parco购物中心。在这里买衣服要注意尺寸,L可能等于美国的S。! c' M: A) b4 P" S3 _8 `: w! {0 G

  摩洛哥 秀侃价好身手

  Marrakech市场有如迷宫,要请向导带路,但可充分接触伊斯兰文化,购物过程本身充满乐趣。面对小贩三寸不烂之舌要保持冷静,用力侃价,会有丰富收获。精致的手工珠宝、地毯、手编袋值得购买。人在德国 社区2 q9 E8 w/ z- P0 F( y5 T

  圣巴特岛 买巴黎名家作品

. G! w0 x3 F, X. P- j8 ~人在德国 社区

  巴黎 去周末市集寻宝

  要在巴黎买高档精品,当然不愁未找到,但荷包会大出血。美元对欧元汇率持续走低,现在用美元在巴黎买名牌服饰、包包不划算,Gucci、Prada、Chanel看看就好,逛周末市集比较适合。csuchen.de6 ?* ~; i3 u7 c3 }3 t1 g- i

  伦敦 看自有品牌、名家设计

  英镑汇率远高于欧元,名牌销价更高于巴黎。不过,有些英国连锁精品店委托名家设计,以自有品牌行销,相对上比较划算。牛津街的Self-riges商场汇集许多品牌,创意足的橱窗设计值得一看。csuchen.de$ O& u; X) L, |8 j, u7 N4 U

  纽约 去第五大道走一趟

  在大苹果买精品,一定要到第五大道走一趟。在这里购物,要讲求战术,如果时间有限,可到Bergdorf Goodman绕绕,一家店就可看到几个品牌。
" Z$ b7 `- J, G8 ]: L, u

  洛杉矶 去比佛利山朝圣

  精品迷不到比佛利山朝圣,就枉走洛杉矶。Prada、Versace、Gucci、Ferragamo等诸多名牌,可轻易让人刷爆卡。比佛利山精品店比第五大道分散,可把重点放在Roberston大道的Lisa Kline、Madison等明星名流最爱的精品店。 + o4 g0 P3 @; e& Z

4 z2 w9 a1 p& ~- t责编:陈曦霞, c# Y( u$ ~0 t) |# O/ w0 b

# N, I2 s2 O! u; ?
# j$ E# i6 X* e2 d: mcsuchen.deShopaholic? The best destinations for youElite shopping streets in the world's 10 best shopping districts
$ f- W5 w+ }# u" n" F人在德国 社区The World’s 10 Best Shopping Districts
- g" Y% ~9 ?0 \7 I
1 ?2 @* Q: P1 Z6 i; ^, t
' e7 ?5 U3 x& N9 U/ h* L* }& CTown Center; Copenhagen, Denmark
" ^; }1 C! T4 u1 b2 G  a3 hShop for up-and-coming designers, mid-century modern furniture and sleek homewares in Copenhagen’s Town Center. Expect stores as impeccably designed as the wares that they’re selling.# g3 w: n$ }- a3 x1 u" Q/ [! v. E
人在德国 社区. e+ U: Q  {* P! J5 L

3 j2 \+ }! {6 D( E2 Q7 m* dcsuchen.de  h2 d9 r2 U0 v0 @
Palermo Soho; Buenos Aires, Argentina
  T5 a" P- ~  S; f" h$ U. t4 Fcsuchen.deOften referred to as the Paris of South America, Buenos Aires has all the style--and sidewalk shopping chic--of its cross-pond neighbor without the brutal exchange rate. Check out the maze of boutiques in the hip Palermo Soho neighborhood.0 I  R+ M& `. s. h( N# ]
7 O" I1 w8 ]5 B: N

) a. Y+ o1 O% o" H  V7 \/ p8 H
7 [3 b  g+ k; z: ySiam; Bangkok, Thailand. Z. F" q8 z# \
Shopping is a 24-7 activity in Bangkok. Avoid the designer knock-offs in favor of the street chic fashions sold in the Siam area. Massive malls mixed with a labyrinth of young designer stalls make this a retail mecca.

人在德国 社区0 e( {2 ?6 k% \0 v, U# \/ c0 L
Jemaâ el Fna; Marrakech, Morocco
8 ^  R3 E* {( m, `* n% D$ {Shopping in Morocco is all about the experience… and the bargaining. Set aside a full day to get lost in one of the Marrakech souks converging at the medina's nexus, Jemaâ el Fna, and then find more upscale boutiques in Gueliz. Though ceramics, leather goods and jewelry are all on offer, think bigger with one-of-a-kind furniture pieces that can easily be shipped home.
  m3 H; v! \! X; r* S3 S4 y, C. w! _

' w- a5 A  d8 t( y
8 G# D7 o6 \  j5 G) O# sThe Marais; Paris, France( y! V: L; E3 Z- @) k
Every serious shopper has made at least one pilgrimage to Paris to soak in the seemingly effortless style. Though Avenue Montaigne still reigns over the fashion world with Chanel, Gucci and more, the exchange rate has driven travelers to quirkier options, such as the weekend markets or the Marais. Boutiques in this lively neighborhood are among the only ones in the city that stay open on Sunday and later into the evenings.
/ V" t) W+ y: g( o9 v" L. V5 \csuchen.de人在德国 社区; Q* Q, ]2 q* \
2 y1 c" {' {3 r4 h. c7 {
* p3 B. X( N2 @  c( C& K; G: I
Covent Garden; London, Englandcsuchen.de# e, t  [# A% ?6 q3 f+ n) W7 o
When shopping in London, opt for the big guys: Selfridges, Fortnum and Mason, Top Shop and Liberty. These mega-stores feature floors of designers new and old; high-end home goods; vintage clothes; in-store tea rooms, bars and restaurants; and more. The stores are clustered around Covent Garden, Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus, so a good jumping-off point is Top Shop on Oxford. Then work your way through all the "high street" stores towards Selfridge's near Bond Street.


* z5 \  r: O$ g2 U- wRobertson Boulevard; Los Angeles, Calif.7 Y' I5 E; Z8 ]
Rodeo Drive is the elite street to beat in Los Angeles, and with good reason. But there's a contender on the scene: with celeb faves such as Kitson, Curve and Lisa Kline, Robertson Boulevard is the hippest shopping locale. Mingle among stars with a trip to Beverly Hills, lunch with the tabloid darlings at The Ivy and then make your way down Robertson Boulevard. If you have the time and energy, hit the Beverly Center just a few blocks away.
: D  y( Q  U% ]: r- c
7 ~8 X$ m3 |# G- T1 Y! Gcsuchen.de
: k* k. g( [5 n! h  f人在德国 社区
3 t7 q6 b9 J7 sFifth Avenue; New York, N.Y.
/ U8 x, J( d# l' G0 GFrom Soho to the Upper East Side, the range of retail offerings in New York is positively overwhelming. But you can never go wrong with a classic. Starting at Central Park saunter down 5th Avenue’s legendary stretch of stores starting from Bergdorf Goodman to Tiffany, Brooks Brothers, Givenchy, Cartier and ending at Saks.
' M( _$ |+ i% i4 h- U2 q7 |3 M- n( U, m/ v6 r

3 M, f, [5 l- Y+ Z; g! n2 c
0 X# L4 L" F/ |+ J6 VSt. Barthélemy4 P; f) L0 v0 C6 }
Shopping in the Caribbean typically involves liquor depots, cheesy gemstone jewelers and sarong outfitters. Ditch the kitsch and book a trip to St. Barth's, a French territory whose boutiques read as a who’s who of high-end designers.
, s" X  L# x5 R+ h5 Z  ~csuchen.de
: u& O* L  i/ F8 o$ m
2 S- \! T* S, T; K( M! ~8 l/ _8 kShibuya district; Tokyo, Japan& E5 o- I. y3 j! y4 J7 d
As much for people watching as purchasing, Tokyo’s Shibuya neighborhood has an “anything goes” aesthetic. Find everything from delicate paper goods to quirky street wear, designer denim to industrial watches.