[国际新闻] 英国头号猛犬有点吓人 站起来近2米高

猎犬能长到多高多重?英国3岁大猎犬参孙给出了答案。这只猎犬高约1.27米,体重125公斤,个头和小马相差无几,被认为是英国狗中的头号巨无霸。因为年龄尚小,它的身高体重还会继续增长,但遗憾的是,即便参孙将来体重打破了目前“世界第一大狗”140公斤的体重纪录,它也无法被载入吉尼斯纪录。由于担心主人为破纪录逼宠物暴饮暴食,不久前吉尼斯组织已经取消了该纪录条目。 . Q/ J, \! F+ f6 w
人在德国 社区; f9 a: W/ [  J) R" v! B& w
  ●爪子大如餐盘 & T5 @' A, z8 V9 U4 W, c1 E! y* @: [
4 P" @1 F6 K; A% P- O
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4 i6 g5 ]2 A1 a% O2 o1 I  参孙可以用“巨大”来形容。它高约1.27米,如果后腿直立高度达1.97米,体重约125公斤。因为体型超大,如果参孙想在雨天外出又不愿被淋湿,就必须穿着小型马专用的“外套”。除此之外,它还必须使用加大号的狗项圈。  人在德国 社区0 W# R; X( y0 x, F6 f& d- l+ F  J
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3 K' @1 b- u! q4 A! k9 ?4 s6 y人在德国 社区) l8 o- a6 d- J, G7 @
  参孙被认为是英国目前最大的狗。但是考虑到现在它年龄还小,体型将继续增大,它还将不断刷新纪录。  $ i' U/ r5 x$ g, L

1 {# g2 H6 k# p% h( B0 M" [人在德国 社区  ●喜欢受人爱抚  csuchen.de; C- V) f- M  ~+ d+ r

& M( u. N3 P+ _1 T  据女主人朱莉介绍,她和丈夫2年前通过英国防止虐待动物协会收养了参孙。当时,参孙只有6个月大,但后腿直立起来已有1.5米高,体重超过110公斤,比同龄小狗都大。协会的工作人员说,他们从未见过这么大的狗。  
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  “它(参孙)的个头差不多有小马那么大,并且行动敏捷,因此,当人们第一次看见它时总会感到害怕,”朱莉说,“如果它忽然跳起来趴在花园门上,任何人都会吓得魂飞魄散。”  4 Z! o) s3 S3 w

- P# F" M; E0 ?4 p/ T  尽管参孙的个头很大,但女主人朱莉说,它是一只“可爱”的狗,性情非常“温柔”,甚至不会伤害一只苍蝇。它喜欢受人爱抚,并且很通人性。  $ S8 b  C% B1 m- X3 J

3 L4 G8 u( Y" m5 vcsuchen.de  “现在它(参孙)只有3岁,我们希望它明年长得更大,”朱莉说,“到时候,我们可能不得不搬到更大的房子里居住。”    y* Q, V/ s- s; T( b3 o- z# r1 T

# E5 p# d9 ~  ?' pcsuchen.de  ●鼾声震动房子  
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0 I$ \( h* V4 R; O$ ^, I. T  p' r& h1 x2 Q" B' o3 ~1 @9 W3 [6 _+ j
(来源:现代快报)) h# _7 e0 w" y) V% w+ P  u' o

+ J) u( y8 C3 j' U# g% O, D; `" t
( b' z% P$ l! F3 |6 }Samson: The 19st dog who's head and shoulders above the rest7 D( F' B# R3 y& V
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9 \# C* l7 g9 o+ @3 E) s$ M0 n$ m人在德国 社区( N# P# L2 |5 c  W( _$ t' R
When Samson the dog decides he fancies a lie-down on the settee, everyone else scatters.csuchen.de* s5 y$ F& P, _+ H* X3 B' N

) A; S( K$ n# U8 Q, ~6 uAnd it's no wonder visitors think again about walking up the garden path when he jumps on the gate to greet them. Three-year-old Samson is a cross between two of the biggest breeds, the Great Dane and Newfoundland. He is 37in at the shoulder, stands 6ft 5in on his hind legs and weighs an astonishing 19st 10lb.
" T$ [  s5 B" [* g
, {( V* N4 `- S- L( `* F( DIf there's a bigger dog in Britain, then Samson's owners Ray and Julie Woods wouldn't want to meet it on a dark night. But despite his huge bulk, they are happy for him to play with their eight-year-old, 4ft 3in grandson Josh, pictured right. "Samson is so gentle and wouldn't harm a fly," said Mrs Woods, 54, from Boston, Lincolnshire. The couple spend £60 a month on dried dog food and Samson gets through two large bowls a day, with the odd turkey leg for a treat.* }; z& P) k1 H* Q

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Keeper of the gate: Samsoncsuchen.de; s# s/ \( M7 G

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Mr Woods, 65, said other dogs keep a safe distance when they spot Samson straining on the leash during their daily eight-mile walks. The couple found Samson at an RSPCA centre when he was six months old. His parents belonged to the same owner and were not meant to mate but managed to produce a litter of 11, of which Samson was by far the biggest. Guinness World Records has scrapped its entry for heaviest dog because owners were overfeeding pets.