[国际新闻] 「中国」35天不吃不喝从中国抵达美国

一只神奇的中国猫咪居然成功从上海乘坐一艘货轮抵达了美国北卡罗来纳州。这只小猫的神奇之处就在于,它在货轮的板条箱里至少度过了35天,没有任何的食物和水来源。人在德国 社区  O7 H7 d' N: _

) M8 |9 U/ \$ p4 a3 `csuchen.de  据悉发现小猫的是美国北卡罗来纳州的Hendersonville一家越野摩托运动器材店的店主康登。当他打开来自一批中国的货物时,他发现其中一个板条箱的角落里居然有一只奄奄一息的小猫。小猫尽管已经非常虚弱,但是仍然活着。5 R1 H5 x& a3 o2 G; h, k) Q

& ^2 P5 _5 j3 }/ U* ^  当意识到这只小猫是来自国外的时候,这名店主立即打电话叫来了当地动物组织工作人员。动物组织的工作人员随后找来了兽医对小猫进行救治。根据北卡罗来纳州的法律,任何来自于国外的动物都必须经过疫苗接种并隔离6个月观察。
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No food or water, but North Carolina cat survives 35 days in crateBy The Associated Press6 b* n+ a8 c5 H7 h  E

0 M2 Q* L9 ^+ N, N5 D$ HHENDERSONVILLE, N.C. — After Eric Congdon opened a crate from China and discovered a cat inside, coming up with a name for the furry stowaway was easy.csuchen.de& s, ^4 g6 k$ z

: j, J, O- m+ p/ l! QChina the cat had chewed through one of the boxes before it left Shanghai on April 3 and spent at least 35 days on a ship inside the container filled with motorcycle gear.
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"I saw something in the container move," Congdon said. "I turned up the headlights on the forklift to get a better look."
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He saw the cat cowering in a corner, weak but alive. Congdon, owner of Olympia Moto Sports in Hendersonville, said he and a co-worker called the county's animal services when the cat would not let them near." U8 x2 X5 Z6 I4 O; y0 n
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A co-worker of Congdon's plans to adopt China if she checks out with a veterinarian. North Carolina law says any animal coming into the country must be vaccinated and quarantined for six months.
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"We have to take precautions," animal-services manager Brenda Miller said.5 E) y! b# b7 W- ~
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How could China survive for so long on no food and water?8 S9 @; }: b" P" r7 Q3 v
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"Usually we say that animals can only survive a few weeks without food and only a few days without water," Raleigh veterinarian Michelle Misavage said. "The theory is that cats have such good kidneys their bodies adjust to the lack of water and somehow they received small amounts of moisture from condensation."# V7 r0 f% M: d$ h$ i5 x
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* c) m8 L& ~' b+ s一只猫藏在4月3日从上海运往北卡罗来纳州港市安德森维尔的集装箱里,到「出柜」时至少已没吃没喝35天,居然活着。订集装箱的美国批销商为它取名「中国」。「中国」必须在检疫所先住六个月,再提供领养。

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