[国际新闻] 自杀上瘾 投海5年内先后50余次 英国女子被政府起诉

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  ]6 t6 E4 ?0 @7 h3 E  这名女子名叫埃米•贝丝•达拉缪若,现年44岁,生活在威尔士西部的阿伯里斯特威斯镇。英国《每日邮报》报道,过去5年里,达拉缪若曾尝试用各种方法在港口、码头以及防波堤等处投海自杀,但均未如愿。
1 f/ r% Z$ H( N2 D) Y0 G' |; m人在德国 社区
1 v/ S9 t  T* w0 D3 k6 x5 ?6 T  50余次的自杀尝试让政府机构头痛不已,仅用于支付紧急救援的费用就高达100万英镑(约合200万美元)。
* i! w8 X$ \' V$ x) Mcsuchen.de
3 t: |- @9 X3 r0 ~  参与救援行动的有警察、海岸警卫队、空军和海军,他们动用了救生艇和救援直升机等设备。 5 n# F: J/ I+ C# M6 \; L
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; e1 b2 ]- {/ e, b' C  相关机构认为,对达拉缪若的一再救援不仅浪费救援物资,而且威胁到救援人员的生命安全。 5 L; }7 O7 h) F6 ^) I
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  可仅过了两天,达拉缪若又打电话给警方,威胁说她要在海里自杀。不久后,警方在海边的岩石上找到了她。当时她体温很低。 4 t& J) z) R% X  t) d- u
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! Z) t& V; @& @5 |( P  警方和海岸警卫队认为,达拉缪若的自杀行为有可能是她想以此获得同情和帮助,但他们不会再对她实施救助。
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* d4 y% M& t9 |4 e( B- v人在德国 社区Amy Beth Dallamura has tried to drown herself more than 50 times in the past five years
( A, l* u% `- g% P5 y% jcsuchen.de
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1 M* L' U/ l7 C& E% Y; P. {9 N; J; ]# V4 C' b0 o
Woman gets Asbo banning her from sea after 50 suicide attempts that cost taxpayers £1m人在德国 社区. `- T$ h6 R$ r* I* u4 D
9 A9 L8 `( L& X* y6 a+ a
A woman has been banned from going into the sea around the British coastline after trying to drown herself more than 50 times. 5 O( u3 ^" h4 C4 F8 w

; V9 T: z3 b/ C8 r- d" {/ n. tAmy Beth Dallamura's suicide attempts over the past five years have cost emergency services up to £1million.
6 l& f  b& ]2 M4 }+ ?. K4 s+ A人在德国 社区
6 |" [3 i& a3 N) u. m  g' jThe 44-year-old has tried to kill herself by jumping off piers and jetties and wading into the ocean. 2 \- i5 g' g0 H- F

$ e1 ^4 O: F0 a  d+ Kcsuchen.dePolice, lifeboats, coastguards and the RAF's air and sea rescue helicopters have all been involved in rescuing her.
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A policeman received a bravery award after swimming out to sea to save her. + b1 Z& X- X3 b7 f$ t+ J, ], p
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But police fear her regular "cries for help" are wasting emergency resources and putting lives at risk.
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! K) C( B0 _* V! m# dcsuchen.deIn January, magistrates gave Miss Dallamura an Asbo banning her from entering the sea, beaches and parts of the promenade of her home town of Aberystwyth in west Wales.
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But last month she breached the order four times in five days. ; [/ L; H" ^- W) ?" u
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The former golf professional was stopped by police from going into the sea on June 21.
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+ U: \" e8 r! }1 x  Icsuchen.deLater that day she was winched from a cliff face after again trying to go into the sea. : C( Z5 Q( w  F: F% O8 N) S9 |

3 B' n1 K9 O8 {( k$ l9 NOn June 23, she had to be airlifted to hospital after going into the sea and being pulled out of the water. Two days later she phoned police threatening to kill herself in the sea. She was found on rocks suffering from hypothermia.
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Miss Dallamura appeared at Aberystwyth Magistrates' Court last week for breaching the Asbo.
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She was bailed to an address in Sussex - which is why the Asbo was extended to cover all coastal waters. She will be sentenced for the breach at Swansea Crown Court next month.
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Prosecuting, Chris James told the January hearing: "She is playing an elaborate game of cat and mouse with police.
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, T- ]0 w2 k# x  `; P"There are clear examples of her telling people what she is doing." 人在德国 社区4 K8 x- T. c" a6 L3 y
/ ~7 _7 n# i- d, Z: h* y* X2 |
Peter Wigan, defending, said that Miss Dallamura's troubles began in 2001 when health problems left her in constant pain with limited mobility in her back and hips.
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, T- E* I4 @: s2 d6 T! J* p"It started after she had surgery which made the complaint worse. It was driving her to suicide.csuchen.de) J7 r9 E2 l2 S  I

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: q0 w8 L' U8 x4 e( x9 x0 WAmy Beth Dallamura has been banned from going to the sea ater repeated attempts on her life along the Welsh coast人在德国 社区2 [* ~0 [1 H2 C. T; l+ @. @
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"If her problems could be addressed the emergency services would not be put under pressure and strain."
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Miss Dallamura said the pain was leading her to 'desperation' and that sanity was not a problem. 5 O( b! P2 p$ p/ k6 g( `5 e. f

4 @; U) C1 ?1 J! WPolice and coastguards have conceded that her suicide attempts are a cry for help - but they say the rescues cannot go on. 1 s9 ^3 b8 d- r8 n
/ r% s4 f/ l; E* A$ h
In January 2003, Pc Simon Tudor, based in Aberystwyth, was given a bravery award for rescuing her. He swam more than 300 yards, letting go of the safety line because it was not long enough.
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Police estimate that the rescues have cost £1million and claim her suicide bids are "anti-social" as they cause distress to those who see her.
: v' W3 }5 i$ X- d$ U9 g3 Y3 s2 C# x% ~9 O6 j
A Dyfed-Powys Police spokesman said: "Meetings have been held to assess Miss Dallamura's mental state but experts have been satisfied she suffers from no mental illness. 人在德国 社区2 f4 I  I) z7 W0 w
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"We took the step of applying for an Asbo because...we thought what she was doing was anti-social. It was causing the public who witnessed what she did distress. : b3 E3 i8 q: A' F2 ^$ p
csuchen.de  J+ o! S: u* u- w1 \5 ~6 \2 Z
"She has called the police on countless occasions and it would be true to say that it has cost the service a significant amount of time, money and manpower."
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A Maritime and Coastguard Agency spokesman said: "Our aim is to prevent the loss of life. To save lives has always been our aim.
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"People who are despondent and try to take their lives do put pressure on the emergency services."
9 ]! S! E3 ?& |4 z5 M. \' T
8 j1 D  m, P# X. F. X[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-7-16 15:03 编辑 ]
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