[国际新闻] 世界上最高大的马 性格温顺宛如小女生

美国田纳西州的雌性夏尔马“蒂娜”堪称世界上最高大的马,从马蹄至马肩隆(马肩骨间隆起部位)的高度是205.7厘米,体重726公斤,甚至比身高201.9厘米的2006年吉尼斯纪录保持者“雷达”还要高大。 人在德国 社区! I: C9 [4 e: z% s
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  从一出生,“蒂娜”就跟树苗一样不断长高,很快就超越牧场里所有的动物。有趣的是,它虽然长得牛高马大,脾气却温顺乖巧得像个“小女生”。它的女主人威廉姆斯太太称:“它可招人喜欢了,性格也温和。当它站立的时候,我可以爬到它的身下干活,一点也不会感到害怕。我可以骑到它的背上,不过必须先踩到一个篱笆上才可以够着它。”  . A8 l0 g) H0 u) o9 I: {. T

5 D9 l" c" N& `( N2 v  据男主人吉姆•威廉姆斯介绍,“蒂娜”现在年仅3岁,这个年纪在马里面属于青少年时期。吉姆说:“它的背部正在开始生长肌肉,未来至少两年时间内,它还将继续长高,有望一直长到213厘米。”  
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+ c+ o7 |4 j: T4 {& g# `3 z/ o0 J  威廉姆斯夫妇同时在自家牧场开设了一个“春溪旅舍”。夫妇俩将在自家旅舍专门为“蒂娜”举行一个隆重的“量身高”仪式。届时夫妇俩将邀请4名公证人和一名兽医到场,并将测量报告连同当天的报纸报道呈送给位于伦敦的吉尼斯总部,正式申报新的世界纪录。威廉姆斯夫妇希望,随着“蒂娜”申报吉尼斯纪录成功,“春溪旅舍”也将从此誉满全球。
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Louie Bartlett bathes Tina, a Shire horse owned by Jim Williams, on Tuesday in Niota, Tenn. At only 3 years old, Tina still has some room to grow — but her Tennessee owners are hoping she can break records. Tina now measures 81 inches at the withers, the equestrian term for the top of the shoulders. She weighs 1,600 pounds.
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6 Z7 e: a. a* TTall Horse Takes Shot at World Record3 m* a4 `; `' k% O" i  c
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NIOTA, Tenn. -- At only 3 years old, an English shire horse named Tina still has some room to grow. But the draft horse is already so big, her Tennessee owners are hoping she can break records. Officially named Jenson Diplomat Tina, she is still a teenager in horse years, said owner Jim Williams.# S& D2 v0 J. Q- Q1 e0 N

8 h9 o2 c/ x7 p0 k, J人在德国 社区Tina now measures 81 inches at the withers, the equestrian term for the top of the shoulder. She weighs 1,600 pounds.) w( K6 ~" Y- }9 V3 g9 H7 E- E9 _
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"But she is beginning to put on muscle and weight on her back as she grows," Williams said. "She still has at least two years of growth and could reach 21 hands."$ O  y) g1 f& i9 f2 R4 ?$ h2 A  \% Z
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That's 7 feet, or 84 inches, measured at the withers, he said.9 u( ~- f2 @# L* |7 z9 q$ a: m

6 w! w- D0 d& ?8 o0 |- X" S5 Dcsuchen.deThe current Guinness World Record holder for tallest living horse is a Belgian draft horse named Radar. According to his Web site, he 19 hands, 3 1/2 inches tall, or 79 1/2 inches.
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Tina will be measured later this month at her owner's bed and breakfast in Niota, about 65 miles northeast of Chattanooga.) B7 ?. q  O6 g0 ~2 Q9 s' e4 E

3 P5 @& V. z; \# k& f  N! O) H' C人在德国 社区The event is open to the public and proceeds from refreshments will go to the "Tina carrot fund," said Jaime Barnett, the horse's trainer. She eats about 5 pounds of carrots a week.
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; x1 ]9 {* n! BOfficial measurement will be from the ground up, straight up her front leg to a T-square on her withers. Several witnesses will be on hand.7 p& J% ]* M7 @

8 ^) f" n8 X: H2 gThe documentation will then be sent to Guinness, based in London.csuchen.de! Q0 Z# L: Y0 ^7 R5 @$ u
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Tina may get as much fame as Radar, who travels from his home in Mount Pleasant, Texas, to personal appearances across the country.csuchen.de& t7 O# Q0 H5 ^7 _) H: C$ e1 x

4 F7 i) Z! m6 U* ]人在德国 社区But all she'll get at first is a new pair of shoes because the measurement requires the horse not to be shod.人在德国 社区5 f0 k0 L% d( D0 A& s

% \% x/ a( v) \Williams isn't sure what size shoe Tina wears, though.
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4 j9 u0 R9 D; Q7 c, i/ j6 ?"The biggest they make," he said.