[中国新闻] 温总理政坛孤鸟

8 _5 T9 K$ n" T( j7 Hcsuchen.de: Y1 X& B) W# [+ y7 q% ?) k
从7月28日温州高铁事故说起,温家宝在现场承诺对事故进行“公开透明”的政府调查。( E7 e8 C8 U! P
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“但是第二天,政府新闻审查就不让媒体对铁路部门腐败和渎职进行报道,然后又禁止微博上的发帖。”' {- N3 T9 i: C; m

; ]! i4 Q7 W5 ~0 O: B# x0 ^) k7 q报道说,“如果这显得格外难堪的话,那这样的颜面全无并非第一次。随着温家宝作为中国第三号领导人当政十年即将卸任之际,他看上去努力想不与中国的政治体制脱节。这一体制一方面贪求他亲民的形象,另一方面却对他的主张弃而不用。”
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/ R" Z; }' _7 O9 ~6 fcsuchen.de报道认为,温家宝作为中国政治开明派的头号发言人,在意识形态上他却在中共中央政治局的九名常委中被孤立。他的观点不止一次在党的机关内被公开批评或淡化处理。
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* l5 ]* e7 o( S! V/ ^; r# U报道引述一位不愿透露姓名的官方新闻媒体主编的话说,由于他成为一个高风险人物,保守派主导的一家国营电台去年竟不敢接受他的提议,让他与听众现场对话。人在德国 社区, E  `$ D2 F6 E9 ?$ {- O0 p+ U

1 P: U4 C& @; S+ }& H人在德国 社区报道提及温家宝2008年在汶川地震灾区也曾承诺要彻查校舍倒塌导致学生死亡的丑闻。但是事后却并没有揭发出任何不当行为,反而是那些要求彻查的活动人士被拘捕。% T9 H8 ^5 V+ z1 f! K9 @& B; W
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% f% B; S4 u5 I2 K8 ]2 Q9 H人在德国 社区
0 |) i$ R& u" `- m5 I“不过,温快乐勇士的个人风格也破坏了他一贯站在群众立场说话的形象,因为他的多项承诺却没有政府行动加以兑现。”" f! i6 R; K( \  i! E$ z, V
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Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, bowing, at the scene of a deadly July 23 train wreck near Wenzhou. The crash, and subsequent official efforts to suppress information, have stirred anger in China.
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. n) l: y4 d7 h6 JA Premier Popular With the People, but Sidelined by the Party
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; M8 A* v; }( H0 g* K& v. A; ]" ^BEIJING — China’s prime minister, Wen Jiabao, stood amid funerary wreaths in Wenzhou, near where a high-speed train accident claimed 40 lives late last month, and pledged an “open and transparent” government inquiry into the disaster. “The key,” he said, “is whether the people can get the truth.”
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- \+ o! x$ h$ g1 A1 JThe next day, censors silenced the news media’s dogged reporting on railway negligence and corruption, then started censoring posts on microblogs that had stoked outrage over the crash.9 H1 j* S3 o- G9 M
人在德国 社区& a" c* ~. [' k
By last week, the government inquiry itself was accused of being rigged, run by a panel that included the Railways Ministry’s second in command and loyalist experts.
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* n" \( ?, S. k% T0 ]csuchen.deSuch indignities are not new. As Mr. Wen enters the twilight of a decade as China’s third-ranked leader, he appears to be struggling to remain relevant in a political system that covets his benevolent public image but has little use for his ideas.
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