[中国新闻] ZYNGA POKER Faceboo

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Zynga's fable is half a timeless chronicle of a great conception, stubborn killing and a success so inordinate that it's hard to imagine. The other half is a heartsick chapter forth how shoe, rudeness and greed can metamorphose a thriving company into a soulless juggernaut focused on exploiting employees and earning loot at all costs. This is the sad dispatch of a dedicated undertaking. 9 O1 E8 v9 Y/ l. W

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In 2007, Insigne Pincus founded Zynga (then Presidio Media) with a group of friends. Its end was to create societal games for Facebook. The new platform did not contain multitudinous users still, and this genre of relief was no more than beginning. Nobody steady predicted how pre-eminent it would be to conceive stinting games for regulars on societal networking sites.
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My initial encounter with Zynga is of course Zynga Poker. A nicely constructed panel, the knack to wing it belittle and step on the gas with friends, sport and free fun. The problems started pretty quickly. After I first bought a small numeral of chips, a series of nightmarish hands came faulty on top of the model infrequent days. The cheat of the procedure was so clear to me (promoting down interfere players) that I straightaway didn't be to play. 6 T; u; ]8 U! L) ?( C! ]9 q) {9 Z
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Currently, Zynga is a corporation benefit distinct billion dollars. It produces games for Facebook, Google+, Tencent and Android and iOS transportable platforms. Hither 3,400 people ascend in the corporation.