[国际新闻] 韩人质之夫YouTube播放给爱妻录影带(视频)

三十六岁的南韩男子柳行植(译音)今天在YouTube网站播放一卷给他“最亲爱的妻子”金允英 (译音)的录影带,并且哭求塔利班释放他的妻子。金允英被阿富汗塔利班叛军绑架后扣押至今。
& {; `1 A$ E5 u: Qcsuchen.de
* M" x( ]: a4 l( y, U柳行植说,一想到他最亲爱的妻子在阿富汗受苦受难,他却可以安然无恙的吃饭和睡觉就痛恨自己。: q% o7 f3 j, a9 R. a1 u
& y; G6 k$ q- t! D% S  G人在德国 社区csuchen.de2 f0 O* D+ F) S) |( s2 u
柳行植说:“一想到你现在一定病得很重而且处境也一定非常艰难,而我却还可以安然无恙的吃饭和睡觉,我就痛恨自己。”6 C( B# H* f# ^( W  ]- _
3 s8 \: i1 e1 y  g( x( K' z' u
七月十九日,金允英与另外二十二名南韩人在阿富汗南部被塔利班叛军绑架。人在德国 社区" ^* h  D! [* v6 e% H+ X

4 D5 d& [3 e" c( ]+ y8 }- Q塔利班要求阿富汗政府释放被关在监狱中的塔利班囚犯,来交换这些南韩人质。由于阿富汗政府拒绝释放塔利班囚犯,塔利班已经杀害两名南韩人质。  |1 K, f# ?* y8 |' j( L7 A

+ `0 X. h8 m% k- K. X/ n7 k5 g柳行植在这卷名为“给我在阿富汗最亲爱妻子”的录影带中说:“我诚恳希望你能够以积极的态度安然度过这场难关,想到我们的儿女时,真盼望能够与你再度见面。”
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1 }* `- x; {. r# p" d3 c为敦促塔利班释放南韩人质,人质的家属准备在各大网站中播出更多的录影带。0 I+ p$ \( |9 W% G( q% X
人在德国 社区6 L- A7 E/ q$ \+ A% s! p# Q  r. l3 q
人质家属的代表车成民(译音)接受“韩国日报”访问时说:“我们已经多次发出呼吁,可是这还不能够传达我们焦虑的心情。”; g- Z+ H) b* t; O1 a

' O# m7 s: X2 r7 {( M- K一位曾经在电视公司担任导播的技术人员协助人质的家属拍摄录影带,录影带有韩文、英文与阿富汗文的字幕。

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csuchen.de# A$ K, l  Z5 ^* w- r

4 D+ q( L* v/ p" @7 ]csuchen.deS Korean hostage's husband posts tearful video
) s/ Y5 ?# `7 _csuchen.de
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The husband of one of 21 South Korean hostages held by the Taliban has posted a tearful YouTube video to his "dearest wife", saying he hates himself for sleeping while she suffers in Afghanistan.3 [4 c' q1 h4 M( |0 {7 I
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Rhyu Haeng-Shik, 36, appealed tearfully for his wife's release in the first of a series of home videos made by relatives of the hostages., a$ E: D9 H9 M  B* f: R  F2 T
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"You must be very sick and in hard conditions, and I disgust and hate myself for eating and sleeping," he said, according to the caption in English.
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His wife Kim Yoon-young, 35, and 22 other Korean aid workers were seized on July 19 while travelling by bus in insurgency-plagued southern Afghanistan.- m, E  Z1 u% f  |

, L  x% {) Z/ l7 q  _$ BThe Taliban are demanding the release of jailed insurgents in exchange for the Koreans and have already killed two male captives.csuchen.de1 c8 A1 U- `* k2 M9 V. b

( G0 q9 s" f# C+ V5 u人在德国 社区"I earnestly hope you can get over this difficult time with healthy and positive thoughts [of meeting again] while keeping your dear children in mind," Mr Rhyu said in the two-and-a-half minute video entitled "To my dearest wife in Afghanistan".
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, O8 @- L1 }* H/ aFamilies of the hostages plan to post the videos on major internet sites at home and abroad in an appeal to the Taliban and the world.
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0 B8 i. H% S! R* v( Y% ~% k: Z"We have announced appeals several times but they were not enough to convey our anxiety," Cha Sung-Min, a representative of the families, told the Korea Times.) F" }* Q5 m8 x1 p# {
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A former program director from a TV company is helping with production of the clips, which will have subtitles in Korean, English and an Afghan language.8 a2 T; d: I& Y) [6 ?

6 b# Z/ r% v* _: ucsuchen.de- AFP
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