- 积分
- 40361
- 威望
- 7933
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 110
- 性别
- 男
- 来自
- Shanghai
- 在线时间
- 4029 小时

刚刚看了V for Vendetta,看得来欲仙欲死,特转几篇文章以示纪念。
1.“V”在原著和本片中都有多重含义,最浅显的意思自然是“胜利”(Victory),但它显然是起源于“V”在Larkhill集中营的经历 ——当时他就住在意为罗马数字“五”的“V”字号牢房。事实上,“V”在片中还有更多含义,当“V”与伊芙第一次见面时,他就以完整的句子一口气说出了N 个以“V”开头的词(N至少大于等于30)。考G考T的同学们可以试试看,这一段对白中的“V”你能听清多少个?懂得多少个?
Volume 1: Europe After The Reign
Chapter One, The Villain; Chapter Two, The Voice; Chapter Three, Victims; Chapter Four, Vaudeville; Chapter Five, Versions; Chapter Six, The Vision; Chapter Seven, Virtue Victorious; Chapter Eight, The Valley; Chapter Nine, Violence; Chapter Ten, Venom; and Chapter Eleven, The Vortex.
Volume 2: This Vicious Cabaret
Prelude; Chapter 1, The Vanishing; Chapter 2, The Veil; Chapter 3, Video; Chapter 4, A Vocational Viewpoint; Chapter 5, The Vacation; Chapter 6, Variety; Chapter 7, Visitors; Chapter 8, Vengeance; Chapter 9, Vicissitude; Chapter 10, Vermin; Chapter 11, Valerie; Chapter 12, Verdict; Chapter 13, Values; and Chapter 14, Vignettes.
Volume 3: The Land of Do-As-You Please
Prologue; Chapter 1, Vox Populi; Chapter 2, Verwirrung; Chapter 3, Various Valentines; Chapter 4, Vestiges; Chapter 5, The Valediction; Chapter 6, Vectors; Chapter 7, Vindication; Chapter 8, Vultures; Chapter 9, The Vigil; Chapter 10, The Volcano; and Chapter 11, Valhalla. The series also includes two interludes, Vertigo and Vincent.
4.阿兰摩尔的小说文本里,并没有具体描绘“V”所戴的面具,是画师大卫利奥德(David Lloyd)出的主意:以历史上的Guy Fawkes为原型打造面具。
5.本片宣传语,同时也是本片第一句台词,是“Remember, remember the 5th of November.” 这来源于至今在英国仍然存在的“Guy Fawkes之夜”。实际上,历史上的Guy Fawkes就是在1605年11月4日至5日的子夜之交被抓住的,他的谋反行动被称为“火药阴谋”(Gunpowder Plot),后人为了纪念这次事件——事实上是为了庆祝抓住Guy Fawkes——在每年的11月4日晚,在爱尔兰和不列颠岛的部分地区,都会有游行活动,通常会焚烧一个Guy Fawkes的布偶或者纸偶为标志。同时,小屁孩们还会唱些歌谣,名为“The Bonfire Prayer”,全文如下(不同地区用词略有变化,这是其中一个版本):
“Remember, remember, the fifth of November, gunpowder treason and plot. I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent to blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below, Poor old England to overthrow: By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match. Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! Hip hip hoorah! A penny loaf to feed the Pope. A farthing o' cheese to choke him. A pint of beer to rinse it down. A faggot of sticks to burn him. Burn him in a tub of tar. Burn him like a blazing star. Burn his body from his head. Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead. Hip hip hoorah! Hip hip hoorah!”
在“Guy Fawkes Night”被烧毁的那个假人,一般简称为“Guy”,信不信由你,从语言学历史来说,它正是现代英语——尤其是现代美国口语中用来泛指“人”的那个 “guy”的由来。例如“Are you guys ok?”“Guy”已经逐渐取代了以前同样泛指“人”的fellow,bloke,chap等代词。
还有,《哈里波特》迷们听到Guy Fawkes这个名字时难道没什么反应么?再仔细想想?想想Dumbledore校长的那只凤凰?~~对了,这只凤凰的名字——Fawkes,正是来源于 Guy Fawkes。事实上,已经有FANS开始认真对照Dumbledore的“凤凰秘令”(Order of Phoenix)与“火药阴谋”了,哈。
I don't know who you are. Please believe. There is no way I can convince you that this is not one of their tricks. But I don't care. I am me, and I don't know who you are, but I love you.
I have a pencil. A little one they did not find. I am a women. I hid it inside me. Perhaps I won't be able to write again, so this is a long letter about my life. It is the only autobiography I have ever written and oh God I'm writing it on toilet paper.
I was born in Nottingham in 1957, and it rained a lot. I passed my eleven plus and went to girl's Grammar. I wanted to be an actress.
I met my first girlfriend at school. Her name was Sara. She was fourteen and I was fifteen but we were both in Miss. Watson's class. Her wrists. Her wrists were beautiful. I sat in biology class, staring at the picket rabbit foetus in its jar, listening while Mr. Hird said it was an adolescent phase that people outgrew. Sara did. I didn't.
In 1976 I stopped pretending and took a girl called Christine home to meet my parents. A week later I enrolled at drama college. My mother said I broke her heart.
But it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch we are free.
London. I was happy in London. In 1981 I played Dandini in Cinderella. My first rep work. The world was strange and rustling and busy, with invisible crowds behind the hot lights and all that breathless glamour. It was exciting and it was lonely. At nights I'd go to the Crew-Ins or one of the other clubs. But I was stand-offish and didn't mix easily. I saw a lot of the scene, but I never felt comfortable there. So many of them just wanted to be gay. It was their life, their ambition. And I wanted more than that.
Work improved. I got small film roles, then bigger ones. In 1986 I starred in "The Salt Flats." It pulled in the awards but not the crowds. I met Ruth while working on that. We loved each other. We lived together and on Valentine's Day she sent me roses and oh God, we had so much. Those were the best three years of my life.
In 1988 there was the war, and after that there were no more roses. Not for anybody.
In 1992 they started rounding up the gays. They took Ruth while she was out looking for food. Why are they so frightened of us? They burned her with cigarette ends and made her give them my name. She signed a statement saying I'd seduced her. I didn't blame her. God, I loved her. I didn't blame her.
But she did. She killed herself in her cell. She couldn't live with betraying me, with giving up that last inch. Oh Ruth. . . .
They came for me. They told me that all of my films would be burned. They shaved off my hair and held my head down a toilet bowl and told jokes about lesbians. They brought me here and gave me drugs. I can't feel my tongue anymore. I can't speak.
The other gay women here, Rita, died two weeks ago. I imagine I'll die quite soon. It's strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and I apologized to nobody.
I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one.
An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us.
I don't know who you are. Or whether you're a man or a woman. I may never see you or cry with you or get drunk with you. But I love you. I hope that you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better, and that one day people have roses again. I wish I could kiss you.
7.电影最后“全民皆V”的场景,显然是个理想化的镜头,象征意义多于画面可行性,因为当所有人都脱去面具时,在那镜头短暂停留的时间里,我们会惊讶地发现那些在电影中死去的角色又“复活”了,如velerie,女医生,近视眼小女孩,伊芙的父母等……电影时空里不可能加入游行队伍的同志们也在其中,例如芬奇的助手多米尼克……导演这么做,一来镜头时间极短,不是BT的观众根本无暇去辨认每一张脸孔;二来是“全民大团结,迎接新世界”的意思。据说,有花痴到眼花的影迷,还在这一堆龙套中发现了“奥兰多布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom)”的烧饼脸蛋,偶晕~~不要看见贴个小胡子脸蛋脏兮兮的家伙就说是“开花”先生嘛!
http://pdl.warnerbros.com/wbmovi ... /vic_final_comp.mov
10. 影片故事的来龙去脉与内里乾坤?战争是如何发生的?病毒从何而来?恐怕这里不能说,哈,等有问题的时候再讨论不迟。 |