[国际新闻] 咖啡香皂 沐浴又提神

3 Y9 H& K9 S" [, D1 z( w
+ ^6 ~' @& z% z; y: `2 h5 S  这款神奇的香皂名为“提神沐浴”,由“思考奇客”(Think Geek)公司开发,日前被引入英国市场。“思考奇客”宣称,这种香皂释放出咖啡因,沁入使用者体内,给其一种就像刚喝过两杯咖啡的感觉。此外,香皂还融合了薄荷和柑橘的香味,这就避免了使用者全身散发咖啡气味的尴尬。% [7 P$ j% `, Z* E% m/ {/ O4 b: x7 ^
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  “思考奇客”还推出了名为“山野清露”(Mountain Dew)的沐浴乳。不过,该公司警告称,鉴于香皂中含有咖啡因,孕妇和儿童都不宜使用上述两种沐浴产品。“思考奇客”公司的詹妮弗·库罗卡特(Jennifer Kuropkat)表示:“用‘提神沐浴’香皂清洗全身,效果同喝下两杯咖啡差不多。”8 k, o3 O( O* O; h

4 ~+ H0 b' D2 o" Q  她随后还解释了这款神奇香皂提神的奥秘:“咖啡因通过皮肤被身体吸收,进入血液当中。这就同你喝咖啡的效果相同。血压会随之升高,脉搏也会加快,使大脑更加警惕和清醒。咖啡因的这种效果会在身体内持续约4个小时,同两杯咖啡带给人的效果一样。但好处是,人们不必再在早晨干等着咖啡煮开,这可要耗费大量时间。”2 z4 P+ }: H$ h, Y0 f( W1 t
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- }& J1 r4 ^- {5 N4 U: ]4 i人在德国 社区Soap gives caffeine kick 0 b  `& Y9 H9 n8 X6 r6 }
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Caffeinated soap has been launched to help people who don't have the time for both a shower and a coffee in the morning.csuchen.de0 C8 N" U  g0 ]6 \- K( n% W

" j8 [* S) l+ i& X8 n4 l' qcsuchen.deManufacturers claim their Shower Shock soap releases caffeine that is absorbed into the user's system and provides the same hit as a two cups of coffee.5 N. O  d5 F- z' N
人在德国 社区; d! e' Z/ Q" i0 A* P: p; Z1 Y
The soap is also infused with peppermint and citrus scents so the user doesn't end up smelling of coffee, reports the Guardian.
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A shower gel is also on offer, although the makers, Think Geek, warn that neither is recommended for pregnant women or children because of the caffeine content.! }/ L. S* D2 G

0 ^) Q. G* o7 E. icsuchen.deJennifer Kuropkat, of Think Geek, said: "Every full body wash with the Shower Shock soap will provide the equivalent of around two cups worth of coffee.
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"The caffeine is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. It has exactly the same effect as if you were drinking coffee. Your blood pressure and pulse rate will increase, making your brain feel more alert and awake.  b# [; t( B* I2 g+ T3 D
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"The caffeine will then last in your system for approximately four hours - the same as two cups of coffee. They really are time-saves as you don't have to wait around for your coffee to brew in the morning."
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' F; ~: a8 p3 G2 A4 ~! B: cThe 4oz bars of soap, available via the internet, cost £3.50, and there is also a smaller travel version. The Mountain Dew shower gel costs £6.50.

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