[国际新闻] 微软中国CEO陈永正转投NBA

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NBA hires local Microsoft boss to lead China push
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BEIJING, Sept 19 (Reuters) - The National Basketball Association has hired the head of Microsoft's China operations to lead a new push into a country that is already its largest market outside the United States, the league said on Wednesday.
! `4 G/ M; ]. g' U1 eThe NBA said Timothy Chen would head a new subsidiary that will fold in all of the league's businesses in Greater China.
% y8 ~8 T& \# N& y% DMicrosoft said on its Web site that its global vice president, Zhang Yaqin, would act as Greater China chief while it sought a permanent replacement for Taiwan-born Chen.
! E9 b* R+ \/ O+ p"Tim is the ideal person to lead NBA China as we expand our infrastructure and operations to meet the growing interest from fans and consumers throughout the region," NBA Commissioner David Stern said in a statement.0 E& C$ H% k' w! Y" m5 \
Popularised by Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets, basketball vies with soccer as China's most popular spectator sport.
  ^$ d3 D0 G: }  ZThe NBA said 20 percent of the traffic on its Web site comes from China, where it sells its merchandise to fans through 50,000 outlets. It estimates as many as 300 million Chinese people, nearly one in four of the population, play basketball.
' V! ?" Y2 Q: m/ c+ O7 P, z! q9 v, RThe New York Times quoted Stern as saying in an interview that the NBA would own 90 percent of the subsidiary and would sell 5 percent stakes to a U.S. media company and to Chinese investors.csuchen.de6 G) n; y$ ^# d' Z
The newspaper, citing a person with knowledge of the negotiations speaking in June, identified the media firm as Walt Disney Co, which owns sports channel ESPN and the ABC network.7 s4 o  c& ^2 |0 g3 z
Chen, who was chairman of Motorola China before moving to Microsoft in 2003, has successfully encouraged the Chinese government to buy legitimate Microsoft software and to crack down on pirated copies.
4 O5 G* l, m& x9 _3 q/ SIn July, a long-running probe by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Chinese police netted $500 million of fake software, including products of Microsoft.人在德国 社区6 L7 q7 O- H: X5 M+ _
Chen said he saw enormous business potential in NBA China spanning media, merchandising, marketing, events and new initiatives, according to the NBA statement.
1 ?! ^8 A/ G0 cThe NBA, whose new push comes less than a year before the Beijing Olympics, is holding three pre-season games in Macau and Shanghai next month.7 \3 [7 d7 D# q. H/ A4 B2 S

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2007年09月20日01:11  来源: 北京商报
/ o; e, X3 A/ y0 Q/ a- i- Q$ R, L3 w人在德国 社区, U6 M! ]  q$ W$ @
为了篮球“抛弃”微软0 H' a5 q9 Q9 W/ i  w8 G6 `$ ^
3 p  `" D' t4 h; H, Q1 T2 \. O; ^
  商报讯 体育的魅力已经大到能够让一个人放弃全球头号软件公司大中华区CEO的职位。昨日,微软宣布其大中华区CEO陈永正即将离任,同时NBA主席大卫·斯特恩宣布陈永正离职后将出任NBA中国CEO。0 E! |4 d9 p# G

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2 O: ?1 k, o% y- r0 K0 ~/ F) A- Ccsuchen.deTimothy Chen, chief executive of Microsoft’s China operations, was hired to promote the National Basketball Association.
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' ]+ ?1 i" K- q4 `: L人在德国 社区  据陈永正表示,原本希望能够在微软做长一段时间,但是NBA抛来的绣球使他动了心。
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  陈永正透露,NBA只是北美地区30个篮球队的联盟,原来的管理模型是封闭的联盟。但是NBA看到了中国球迷对于联盟球星的肯定,看到了中国作为海外最大市场的潜力。所以NBA决定对中国特别处理,单独成立NBA中国公司。目前正在筹划一些股份方面的事情,不排除以后有机会上市。“他们需要一个人负责NBA中国,因此我就来了。”陈永正说。人在德国 社区& `3 w7 Z& ^; [6 r: o6 i/ K" g* k) A
人在德国 社区! I1 a. q+ b$ }
  在微软中国已经担任4年CEO的陈永正打破了被业界称为“微软中国CEO都做不到两年”的魔咒。微软Windows操作系统在PC机中的预装率从原来的不足10%提高到了40%,并且每年能够从中美双边贸易中获得过亿美元的大型订单。微软在中国的发展处于其进入中国后最好的时期,因此陈永正的离开不会对微软造成太大损失。7 |% G% Q7 r! c: ^! i. I
+ n6 k' ]' M4 G1 v8 N
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