Carlo, 世界上最好的女高音是不是Maria Callas? 最近淘到两张她的咏叹调合集,现场录音的,听到其中《弄臣》中的那首“Caro Nome Che Il Mio Cor“,让人彻底迷醉不能自拔的感觉,发明这种唱法的人一定是个天使。
87年维也纳新年音乐会上的Kathleen Battle的春之声,还有某欧洲王储婚礼上听到不知名的女高音唱的ave maria,都让人深深难忘,如果说听莫扎特让人沉静出世,则听歌剧中的女高音就令我沉溺世俗的悲喜,愿能搜罗尽天下最美的声音。Carlo来推荐下吧,你肯定有不少心得
But i really get so tired of anything about art or music at this moment, i just finished one seminar and as well as the exam called Soziologie der Kunst. It was so strenuous, always pondering, pondering,analysing, analysing, im totally tired out
Yes, I didnt like orgel before either, it reminds me always to the middle age, it sounds to me also monotonous, lumbersome, depressive....
yes, all about this dark middle age cliché ...
until once i heard one orgel music accompanied with trumpet written by a young german modern musician.Then i become to believe, there is no bad instrument, there is only bad musician:naughty: ....
A good musician could make the most wonderful music with the noisiest instrument
但被Caro Nome Che Il Mio Cor打动却绝对不是因为她的歌唱技巧,而是有听到某一段落,被其传达的感情击中心弦的感觉,那一刻感觉到极致的深情及女主角内心深深的忧伤,仿佛让听者也有种肝肠寸断的感觉,有时深情向往,有时哀怨婉约,声音有时细弱游丝,有时激烈亢奋...我对歌剧涉及不多,也不懂意大利文,所以对于是这部歌剧及咏叹调叫什么名字都不知晓,只是听声音,(我经常是这样的,把美好的声音当乐器来看待,但是美好的人声比任何乐器都更具表现力),所以对专业的东西及对她是否忠于剧情都没有办法评判,过后因为非常喜欢才去找了剧情和唱词来看,觉得自己没有感觉错。能够对完全没有相关背景知识的人传递了强烈的感觉,所以觉得她是成功的。
是啊,交流确实能带来更多的乐趣,为了听你说的“举世闻名华丽多彩的 Philadelphian Sound“,还特意翻了有没有Leopold Stokowski的,找到两张Great Recordings with the Philadelphia Orchestra,比较熟悉的曲目,但是觉得音效不是很好,二,三十年代的录音,不过还是有所感受,蛮有意思的,多谢老大。