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发表于 2007-6-27 09:04
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[TBC] 风暴要塞 High Astromancer Solarian 高阶占星师索拉里安攻略简介
参照的内容来自 http://www.wowwiki.com/High_Astromancer_Solarian
继续访问 取消 不再提示我[ http://www.wowwiki.com/High_Astromancer_Solarian ]
以及水星的风发表的帖子[ http://bbs.ngacn.com/read.php?tid=957016 ]
Raid Setup
Solarian has poor armor and is extremely vulnerable to melee attacks. But you must find a balance between melee DPS and AoE casters. You will need at least 7-8 warlocks and mages to survive the second phase. The fight requires at least 4 warriors/feral druids. You need ideally three offensive warriors for maximum DPS, and at least 1 feral druid. Feral druids are particularly effective in this fight. This encounter requires very high DPS. so you should try to manage with 7 healers, at least 3 of whom should be good single target healers like paladins.
Gear Requirements
To handle Solarian's Arcane Missiles, each raid member should have about 150 arcane resistance. High DPS and healing are still needed, so don't go overboard for too much resistance.
You need two arcane resistance "tanks". They should both kit out in maximum arcane resistance gear with no concern for any other stats. Ideally, this will be a plate wearer class as it is possible for them to reach over 500 arcanse resistance unbuffed 。
Arcane Missiles: Solarian casts Arcane Missiles at a random target. Hits 3 times for roughly 3500 each.
Wrath of the Astromancer: Debuff that does 600 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. This also places another debuff that increases arcane damage done to you by 50% for 45 seconds. Will jump to nearest friendly target. (Pets and totems are able to take this debuff)
Mark of Solarian: Debuff that decreases Arcane resistance by 50 and is stackable. Last 2 minutes. Reapplied roughly every 45-50 seconds and duration is reset.
Solarian disappears every 50 seconds and calls adds from 3 light 'portals'. These adds hit for 800-900 on plate and are able to be CC. She will also summon priests that will come and heal her.
索拉里安每50秒会回到圆心消失1次,并在圆环周围随机召唤3道光束“传送门”,每个光束出5个非精英add,迅速aoe掉。15秒后,boss会随机从3 道光束“传送门”中出现,同时召唤2个精英add牧师(会治疗boss,但是有2秒的施法时间,吃打断技能,会类似于血精灵的范围沉默)。
Astromancer Phase
Since her Arcane Missiles attack is random, it is a good idea for healers to have a macro to assist the Astromancer and flash heal the current target. Arcane protection potions are recommended for this phase. She will also occasionally melee.
Add Phase
Deal with the adds and stop the priests from healing her.
Voidwalker Phase
At 20% she will turn into a massive armored voidwalker and begin casting bolts at a target. Here she no longer randomly targets people and the fight turns into a tank and spank.
/target High Astromancer Solarian(tbc后换成中文的官方名称)
/cast Flash of Light (Rank 7)
在20% 的时候boss变身为拥有超高护甲的虚空行者,并对单一目标开始释放虚空箭。此时boss不再随机选择目标,战斗回到平常的tank + dps的模式。此阶段boss会恐惧近战范围内的目标,但是因为boss伤害不高,任何人都能扛一段时间,因此只要进入第三阶段基本上就可以等着loot 了。
[ 此贴被zhangmean在2007-06-11 14:07重新编辑 ] |