博士论文答辩演练, 欢迎参加!

Title:The function of a newly identified retina homeobox-containing gene,RxL in Xenopus retinal development

Content: There are two interesting themes in study of eye developement. One is the specification of eye field from the neural sytem, and another is retinnogenesis, namely the generation of different types of retinal cells . Each process is related to the regulation of certain kinds of genes. In this research, a new gene has been identified in Xenopus. To understand its function,  we use  morpholino to knock down the gene's expression or overexpress this gene in Xenopus embryo. The results showed that this gene is essential for the development of photoreceptor cells.
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说点正事,以前讲过,外办一直希望把我们的活动办成全校高水平的学术论坛,可惜未能如愿,所幸每次都有几位朋友鼎力相助. 万分感激. 真的希望大家都来参加, 大家只要有一点点所获, 我们就深感欣慰. 正如高兄所言, 如果我们回国后,可以给Halle 这个我们曾经待过的地方留下点什么, 我们希望就是这个沙龙吧, 如果可以薪火相传,有越来越多的朋友来参加, 把这个活动坚持下去, 相信每个人都会收获很多, 不光是语言的长进,也许还有真诚的友谊,理解...有点感慨,见笑.
上周闭关修炼了几天,今天一早收到外办来信, 发现外办不是想办一个简办的谈话, 他们当作一个小的会议来办, 既然这样,我们也得好好准备一下了, 大家如果下午有时间, 希望抽出一点宝贵时间参与我们这个活动, 具体的安排,可见上贴.
外办现在真的很用心, 他们希望可以做的很多, 当然他们对我们的帮助也很多. 下学期他们还要给大家安排语言班, 我想多些交流, 对我们是好事情.
大家的参与,是对外办工作最大的支持, 也是对我们的最大鼓励.希望以后可以见到你.



Intercultural Meeting for international PhD students
date: 01/09/2008 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
place: Hörsaal (lecture room) XVIII (located on the 1st floor),Melanchthonianum, Universitätsplatzworking
language: English
This session will address different issues and is divided into two parts:  
1) interactive discussion on living and working as a PhD student andguest researcher in Halle
- get to know each other- share your experience
- discuss best-practice examples and urgent demands
- how to succeed in a German academic environment
- how to make most of your stay inside and outside the academy

2) information on specific offers for international junior scientists inWS 2008/09
- German language courses- Teaching and research assistantships
- PhD student network across faculties and institutions
- Cultural event calendar- Intercultural seminar for international PhD students in November 2008

[ 本帖最后由 天天快乐2008 于 2008-9-1 09:59 编辑 ]


受命发帖:下周一 (9月1 日)的文化沙龙将有一个外办的老师参加。她希望和一些外国留学生来个座谈(听起来此人是管博士口的,但不太确信),听听大家的意见,包括刚来德国或哈勒的留学生有哪些需要帮忙的地方,以及在学习生活中学要组织些什么样的活动等。我觉得挺好的,大家有什么想法不妨来畅所欲言一下,机会难得。此人看来挺随和,务实,且英德兼通 (我拜托帮忙找俩语伴,一英一德,她没拒绝,呵呵。)
要是座谈之后时间还够, 有一个答辩演练。题目好像是:The function of a newly identified retina homeobox-containing gene,RxL in Xenopus retinal development
内容大意:There are two interesting themes in study of eye developement. One is the specification of eye field from the neural sytem, and another is retinnogenesis, namely the generation of different types of retinal cells . Each process is related to the regulation of certain kinds of genes. In this research, a new gene has been identified in Xenopus. To understand its function,  we use  morpholino to knock down the gene's expression or overexpress this gene in Xenopus embryo. The results showed that this gene is essential for the development of photoreceptor cells (视感细胞).


could give more discription on the content?
although it is an informal talk, but should try to make the orgnizing more or less professional.

[ 本帖最后由 happyforest 于 2008-8-21 11:50 编辑 ]



Title: Pumping Test
Language: English
Content : Spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity is very important for predicting water and solute movement in the subsurface at high resolutions. The pumping test is a way for determining the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer.
The presentation will explain some basic conceptions of groundwater and introduce the experimental station instruments; the process of pumping test as well as the methods to calculate the hydraulic conductivity.

It will be held by Ms. Jia

[ 本帖最后由 天天快乐2008 于 2008-8-22 11:17 编辑 ]


不同学科, 领域多些交流,不是坏事!





Title: Alzheimer Disease and the Diagnose at the Early Stage.
Language: English
held by Prof. LI



Title: Mundorgel
Sprach: Deutsch
Inhalt: Es ist über die Geschichte, die Entwicklung und die Typen des Moundorgels.
Es ist gehalten von Frau Jiang.

