原帖由 zitrone100 于 2007-7-3 17:04 发表


Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


原帖由 费雪儿 于 2007-7-3 03:45 发表


Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


原帖由 mikeuno 于 2007-7-3 16:41 发表
I fully support Lin Yang!

1. The powerapple post looks very suspicious! It definitely looks like someone set him up deliberately, with very careful planning. First, the ID was registered last midnight, and within the next 2 hrs, there are 43 posts from this ID, which seems unreasonable at all. So it's very apparent that the guy/gal who registered this ID just to post this non-sense article and to cause a big chaos/debate. In this case, what's the rationale that he'll put all his contact details on powerapple?!

2. I've known lin yang not for long, but he's a nice, decent guy, as recognized by most people here. As far as I know, he has open view towards virginity. So in my eyes, he's not that NAIVE to post this non-sense bullshit. It does no help to him, just to damage his reputation. From this perspective, there must be some conspiracy behind!

so in my opinion, it might be the other way round:
the one who set him up might want lin yang's virginity! :naughty: But unfortunately, for a guy, it's impossible to keep virginity after 14, no matter physically or emotionally.

Yes, Lin Yang is not such a guy, who release such a kind of bullshit in your forum.

But your inference is also peculiar! He is very open to say sth about sexuality, so the other people also talk about this theme direct with him.

If you really want to straighten this incident out, you should ask the administrator of your forum to search the guy/gal's real IP (if proxy IP is used, it is also possible to find the real IP, right?) and find out who he/she is and why doing so. If you only want to add trouble to our forum, please shut up!
Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can.


原帖由 mikeuno 于 2007-7-3 16:41 发表
I fully support Lin Yang!

1. The powerapple post looks very suspicious! It definitely looks like someone set him up deliberately, with very careful planning. First, the ID was registered last ...

两只虫虫 两只虫虫 跑得快 跑得快 一只不吃肉肉 一只不吃菜菜 真奇怪 真奇怪

◢██◣◢  这位同学,你的灵魂现在比大西洋还遥远。


I fully support Lin Yang!

1. The powerapple post looks very suspicious! It definitely looks like someone set him up deliberately, with very careful planning. First, the ID was registered last midnight, and within the next 2 hrs, there are 43 posts from this ID, which seems unreasonable at all. So it's very apparent that the guy/gal who registered this ID just to post this non-sense article and to cause a big chaos/debate. In this case, what's the rationale that he'll put all his contact details on powerapple?!

2. I've known lin yang not for long, but he's a nice, decent guy, as recognized by most people here. As far as I know, he has open view towards virginity. So in my eyes, he's not that NAIVE to post this non-sense bullshit. It does no help to him, just to damage his reputation. From this perspective, there must be some conspiracy behind!

so in my opinion, it might be the other way round:
the one who set him up might want lin yang's virginity! :naughty: But unfortunately, for a guy, it's impossible to keep virginity after 14, no matter physically or emotionally.




原帖由 beamee 于 2007-7-3 18:46 发表
:tearbath: :tearbath:  Hasse Streit....



原帖由 goldenapple 于 2007-7-3 10:55 发表



斑竹既然知道是 ...


原帖由 sasaloveyou 于 2007-7-3 08:07 发表

cao 凭什么这么说,上海人怎么了,有什么话就直说,没事穿个马甲做什么?

如果你说那人公布Lin Yang的个人信息嫁祸人,也有可能故意说上海话嫁祸上海人的话,我说说我认为他是的几点理由:首先,那句上海话太地道了,我在上海待过很长一段时间,这个能分辨得出来;其次,那人的风格和我个人以前经历的一些上海人做的事情类似,让我觉得他本人很可能是最后着急不小心说出口的。

[ 本帖最后由 bsshr 于 2007-7-3 18:56 编辑 ]


:tearbath: :tearbath:  Hasse Streit....

