原帖由 闲云一片 于 2007-2-5 01:14 发表

西药总不如中药来的温,又治本!多呼吸新鲜空气,如果每天坚持吃两三个橙子,也会助益. 我很好,每天又充实,又开心.谢谢你.

Mary KayKathy´s shop


Mary KayKathy´s shop


Vanessa Amorosi: Absolutely Everybody  这个出生于1981年8月8日的澳大利亚姑娘Vanessa Amorosi已经成为澳大利亚最成功的流行音乐家之一。她的这首单曲《Absolutely Everybody》(充满信心的人群)在两个月内成为了白金单曲,并打入澳大利亚最佳单曲排行榜超过30周,成为澳大利亚有史 以来上榜时间最长的细碟。同时这也创造了另一个纪录:她成为澳大利亚原创作 品入榜时间最长的女歌手。在2000年的悉尼奥运会上,她也现场演绎了这首歌曲.
Mary KayKathy´s shop


来自越南的说唱歌手Chuckie Akenz,一首神情的Rap,背景的女生哼唱很凄美,这样的说唱还是比较少见。Chuckie Akenz自幼生活在混乱的多伦多芬治大街(Jane & Finch),一直到19岁.从一个因为家庭的原因而与朋友加入黑帮的小混混,成长为一个拥有全球惊人CD畅销量的歌手.被多伦多Kiss92 FM,评为顶尖MC.



This goes out to someone that was
Once the most important person in my life
I didn't realize it at the time
I can't forgive myself for the way I treated you so
I don't really expect you to either
It's just... I don't even know
Just listen…

You're the one that I want, the one that I need
The one that I gotta have just to succeed
When I first saw you, I knew it was real
I'm sorry about the pain I made you feel

That wasn't me; let me show you the way
I looked for the sun, but it's raining today
I remember when I first looked into your eyes
It was like God was there, heaven in the skies

I wore a disguise 'cause I didn't want to get hurt
But I didn't know I made everything worse
You told me we were crazy in love
But you didn't care when push came to shove

If you loved me as much as you said you did
Then you wouldn't have hurt me like I ain't shit
Now you pushed me away like you never even knew me
I loved you with my heart, really and truly

I guess you forgot about the times that we shared
When I would run my fingers through your hair
Late nights, just holding you in my arms
I don't know how I could do you so wrong

I really wanna show you I really need to hold you
I really wanna know you like no one else could know you
You're number one, always in my heart
And now I can't believe that our love is torn apart

I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you 'cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you

I knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man
And then sit and laugh as you're holding his hand
The thought of that just shatters my heart
It breaks in my soul and it tears me apart

At times we was off I was scared to show you
Now I wanna hold you until I can't hold you
Without you, everything seems strange
Your name is forever planted in my brain

Damn it, I'm insane,
Take away the pain
Take away the hurt
Baby, we can make it work

What about when you
Looked into my eyes
Told me you loved me
As you would hugged me

I guess everything you said was a lie
I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes
Now I'm not even a thought in your mind
I can see clearly, my love is not blind

I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you 'cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you

I just wish everything could have turned out differently
I had a special feeling about you
I thought maybe you did too
You would understand, but…
No matter what, you'll always be in my heart
You'll always be my baby

Our first day, it seemed so magical
I remember all the time that I had with you
Remember when you first came to my house?
You looked like an angel wearing that blouse

We hit it off, I knew it was real
But now I can't take all the pain that I feel
Reach in your heart, I know I'm still there
I don't wanna hear that you no longer care

Remember the times? Remember when we kissed?
I didn't think you would ever do me like this
I didn't think you'd wanna see me depressed
I thought you'd be there for me, this I confess

You said you were my best friend, was that a lie?
Now I'm nothing to you, you're with another guy
I tried, I tried, I tried, and I'm trying
Now on the inside it feels like I'm dying

I need you and
I miss you and
I want you and
I love you 'cause
I wanna hold you,
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you

And I do miss you
I just thought we were meant to be
I guess now, we'll never know
The only thing I want is for you to be happy
Whether it be with me, or without me
I just want you to be happy
Mary KayKathy´s shop


原帖由 Nocturne 于 2007-2-12 23:47 发表

雪儿, 在你的推荐下 ,又认识了一位歌星. 音乐节奏感很强, 让人不由自主的想跳舞. 很火爆!


Mary KayKathy´s shop



超级帅哥格莱美新宠艺人(的确很帅),第三十六届音乐学院奖ACM年度新进男歌手奖得主Keith Urban。此张专辑首周进榜“美国告示牌”便荣获冠军位子,同时也荣获2005年第47届格莱美“最佳乡村专辑”“最佳乡村演唱男歌手”提名。
从2000 年以来凯斯艾本发行的三张专辑一直是名列乡村歌手Top10之内。新专辑《在这里》似乎是在和他上张专辑竞争。尽管2002年的《黄金大道》已经取得了双白金,并且至今仍然是位居乡村歌曲销量的榜首,
但这张最新专辑推出一周即空降美国告示牌(billboard)乡村专辑冠军,并以14万8千张的高销量成为排行榜季军。这一成绩不仅仅成为个人生涯上的最高单周销售纪录,同时也创下了其个人在Billboard 200排行榜上的最高排名,并且还让Keith Urban首次成为了乡村音乐专辑榜的冠军。《伴你一生》专辑收录了蝉连告示牌乡村单曲榜十数周冠军之冠军单曲『Days Go By』。

来自澳大利亚,六岁开始学习吉他的凯斯尔本,从小就在父亲的熏陶小酷爱美国乡村音乐。在苦练吉他技巧之后,他将摇滚带入乡村音乐中,形成他独一无二的摇滚乡村风格。并在澳洲取得首张专辑的成功。他无以伦比的吉他演奏技巧很快被《警察》乐队的经纪人所青睐,并邀请到他们的专辑“The Ranch”中演奏。之后更多的目光投注到他的身上,Garth Brooks、 Dixie Chicks等人纷纷邀请到他到自己的唱片中演艺。1999年以他名字命名的专辑《凯斯艾本》请来了诸多明星如Dwight Yoakam, Faith Hill 和Tim McGraw捧场。一曲" It's a Love Thing "进入热曲 Top 15之内、" Your Everything "进入单曲 Top 10。获得第36届乡村音乐学院奖ACM年度新进男歌手之后,2002年的第二张专辑《黄金大道》又是大获全胜。2003年凭着一曲 Rollercoaster入围格莱美奖的“最佳乡村演奏”,除了过人的音乐才华受到各大媒体的推荐,他出色的外表也赢得不少杂志封面的青睐

Alone in this house again tonight今夜一个人呆在房间里
I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of wine我打开电视,把音量调小然后慢慢嘬着瓶小酒
There's pictures of you and I on the walls around me那些曾记录下你我生活的照片还挂在墙上
The way that it was and could have been surrounds me关于你的一切始终在我脑海纠缠
I'll never get over you walkin' away我永远想不明白是什么让你离开了我

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show我从不是喜欢将感情外露的人
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control我想那就是为什么我从未失态的原因
But I'm just drunk enough to let got of my pain但是现在我已经喝醉到可以逃避痛苦
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain放下我的骄傲,让它们从我眼中
From my eyes像雨一样落下
Tonight I wanna cry今晚我想哭泣

Would it help if I turned a sad song on如果我放上一首哀伤的歌能对我有帮助吗?
"All By Myself" would sure hit me hard now that you're gone
    "All By Myself" 这首歌深深打动了我的心然而现在你早已离去
or maybe unfold some old yellow lost love letters也许打开一些被我们遗忘的纸页泛黄的情书
It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better会让我在感觉到安慰一点之前更加狠狠刺痛到我
But I'll never get over you by hidin' this way然而我将永远生活在你的阴影之下却得不到不能解脱
Mary KayKathy´s shop