原名纳塔莉-麦金太尔(Natalie Mcintyre),出生于美国俄亥俄州坎顿市。尽管人们把Gray奉为灵魂音乐的救星,但是她本人从不以此自居,而是常常向人们讲述他童年的故事。那时她因为嗓音特别经常引来其它孩子们的嘲笑,她也因此轻易不敢开口讲话。她的嗓音融合了Billie Holiday和Tina Turner两种嗓音的特色,但又与蓝调音乐和说唱表演者的陈腐风格完全不同,能够给人一种耳目一新的感觉。她的首张唱片在1999年秋天一推出就吸引了批评家和音乐爱好者的注意。Gray曾接受过几年的正规钢琴训练,她的成长过程中被灌输都是象Stevie Wonder和Aretha Franklin这样的一流的精神食粮,但她在80年代早期也学习了一些希普霍普艺术。后来她又来到洛杉矶在USC电影学院学习。在那里她在同事们的诱导下开始在一些试播唱片演示会上演唱,并开始在引起轰动。后来她在好莱坞创办了自己的业余时间俱乐部,取名为We Ours,在这里她能够在朋友们面临表演自己的创作。 1988年,Gray和Epic Records唱片公司签约,并开始和制片人Adrew Slater一起录制唱片。她的合作者包括歌曲作者darryl Swann和Jeremy Ruzumna、Arik Marshall(吉它手),和经验丰富的音乐家Blackbird McKnight(吉它手)和Lenny Castro(打击乐乐师)。她的《On How Life Is》曲调优美,融合了古典黑人音乐、城市蓝调音乐和希普霍普节奏,Gray朴实粗重的嗓音使得这支曲子更加完美。她的一些比较出众的优秀单曲包括《Do Something》、《I Try》、《Sex-o-matic Venus Freak》和《Caligula》。这张唱片在英国尤其得到大家的好评,人们对她的作品的好评和口头上的赞誉也使得她的这张唱片在排行榜上稳定上升(在10月份最终达到了第6名的好成绩)。《I Try》也连续几周排在前10名单曲之列。这首歌在随后的一年里在美国取得成功,5月份攀升到排行榜前5名之列。她那不可思议的嗓音更使她显得与同时代的歌手与众不同。这首Time of my life感觉有点京剧风味的歌曲,好听。
Time of My Life
Macy Gray
Verse 1
When there come and left for dead
I've been out of my head
and now i wanna be bigger
bein' here with you
it's not so hard to be
I can see my dreams
I know im gunna be better
my friends always say
my friends always say
that everything will be okay
but it don't always, work out that way
so here i am again
beleivin in, cause i remember when
I had the time of my life
everything is right with you
after all that i've been through
I aint tried to lose
this time of my life, with you
Verse 2
People say I'm out of line
So much on my mind
Like i wanna be bigger
sometimes it dont rhyme
but when you're here with me
I have poetry
I know im gunna be better
and my friends always say
One day they will see
the giant baby
finally see me smile
hear me laughing, out loud
my voice will be heard
its no longer absurd
and i hope you hear
cause baby, baby
i haaaaddd...
I had the time of my life
everything is right with you
after all that i've been through
I aint tried to lose
gotta make my move and groove
everything i can
I had the time of my life
time of my life, with you
baby, take my hand
because i wanna hold on to
this time of my life, with you
i had the time of my life
time of my life, with you