- 积分
- 820
- 威望
- 175
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 60
- 在线时间
- 71 小时

Topic: R Material Research ABC and Architectures of Multifunctional Electronic Nanodot Array
高兴森 博士(马普所)
周日下午两点,2pm-5pm, 29/03/2009
Weinberg 1, MPI guest house (马普所招待所)
主办者: 哈勒文化沙龙
Speaker: Dr. Xingsen Gao. Max-Planck-Institut.
Time: 2pm-5pm, 29/03/2009 (Sunday)
Venue: Weinberg 1, MPI guest house
Host: Cultural Salon in Halle
本报告分成两部分。 第一部分简要介绍一下材料科学与工程的一些基本概念和研究方法, 目的普及材料学知识。(英文)
第二部分介绍最新的研究成果。当前磁学和电学材料在各自的领域里面都有极为广泛的用途。而寻求兼备磁电性能多动能材料则成为目前的最新前沿热点,目的是为了新一代的存储器和传感器技术。我的切入点是利用多铁材料与纳米技术的交叉途径,制备新型复合的多铁纳米材料。一方面, 通过纳米结构的设计来达到对其性能的调制,期望能提高磁电藕合的系数。另外一方面, 可以研究这种材料在独立纳米状态下的物理特征,期望发现新的物理现像以及可能的新用途。(中文)
This talk will be divided into two parts. In parts I, I will mention some basic concepts of materials research will be given, in order to provide an overview of how materials research is conducted. In Part II, some recent results on fabrication and characterization of multifunctional materials nanostructures will be introduced. The materials combine both magnetic and electric properties together, and may lead to a new generation of devices like memory and sensors. My work is focused on how to construct a new type of nanostructure array of these materials using nanotechnology in our institute, and also the observed new physic properties in these materials. |