莱茵论坛第58期:海外的华人企业家 (09年2月12日,星期四, 19:00, Bonn)

本帖最后由 sulzbach 于 2009-2-11 15:41 编辑

Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs (海外的华人企业家)

主讲人 (speaker)Dr. Frank P. Schmitz

时间:2009212,星期四, 19:00
地址:Seminarraum A413, Römerstraße164, 53117 Bonn,
交通:BONN HBF乘坐600,601,551 Pädagogosche Fakultät
联系:王汉春 015204848944wanghc@rhineforum.org

讲座内容lecture abstract):
International Entrepreneurship: The internationalization of start-ups has lead to the youngresearch field “International Entrepreneurship”. Even though a lot of studies dealing with “International Entrepreneurship” can be found in different scientific areas (e.g. “Entrepreneurial and Social Networks), the subject primarily is a domain of business administration.

The theoretical part of the lecture describes the framework of the topic and whymost “Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs” can be considered as so called “Born Globals”. The second part refers to empirical observations as for example“DangDang.com” that is a well known example for a successful and amazon-like start-up in China. During the third part of the lecture different start-up scenarios are supposed to be discussed with the participants of the Rhine Forum. A typical scenario might be the one of the “Scientific Entrepreneur”; also compare the memorandumof the www.Sylter-Runde.de

主讲人介绍 (speaker's resume)

ManagementConsultant & Coach

Short Vita (经历):

Mar´03– today
Freelance Consultant
Management Consultant and Project Manager
Managing complex projects for worldwide operating enterprises
References in several industries (e.g. logistics, aviation, utility)

Apr´05 – Sep´05
Fachhochschule Heilbronn/Künzelsau
Subject of tutorial: strategic sourcing and e-procurement

Aug´03 – Jul´04
Hamburger China-Gesellschaft e.V.
Executive Board Member (management focus: business membersand marketing)

Jun´02– Feb´03
University of Hamburg/Dalian University of Technology (China)

Business Analyst with special interest in entrepreneurial and innovational processes in China’s high-tech parks

Jan´00– May´02
CSC, Wiesbaden/Hamburg

Presales-Consultant and Business Development Manager Strategic client and opportunity planning

Other Conference Speeches (主讲人的其他学术报告):

Summer School 2008, University of Cologne
Organizing freelance projects

China – the unpolished diamond, ITelligenceBielefeld
Overseas Chinese – competitors or ignored partners for market entry?

Theory meets praxis, R. Würth BusinessSchool Heilbronn/Künzelsau
IT-Consulting – quo vadis?

Joint Conference of Chinese Academic Associations in Germany, Hamburg
Transnational networks andventuring in China

SR_18_Memorandum_Scientific_Entrepreneurship_CN.pdf (140.13 KB)
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