- 积分
- 2102
- 威望
- 269
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 80
- 在线时间
- 271 小时

打过的都说这个boss 简单, 注意好仇恨链接(类似毒蛇神殿,然后带好N个射击猎人,一个生存猎人,+法师ss am), 有 体会过bwl 4 号龙翼打击经验的坦克, 的团队, 应该在小怪刷新之前down掉。
掉落也超级好, t5 肩膀。
* Pauldrons of the Vanquished Champion
* Binds when picked up
* Classes: Paladin, Rogue, Shaman
* Requires Level 70
* Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender
* Binds when picked up
* Classes: Warrior, Priest, Druid
* Requires Level 70
* Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
* Binds when picked up
* Classes: Hunter, Mage, Warlock
* Requires Level 70
Void Reaver Loot
* Collar of the Grand Engineer
* Binds when picked up
* Cloth
* Head
* 175 Armor
* +22 Stamina
+27 Intellect
* Yellow Socket Yellow Socket
Yellow Socket Yellow Socket
Blue Socket Blue Socket
* Socket Bonus: +5 Spell Damage
* Durability 60 / 60
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Improves spell hit rating by 16.
Equip: Improves spell critical strike rating by 35.
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 53.
* Fel Reaver's Piston
* Binds when picked up
* Unique
* Trinket
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Your direct healing spells have a chance to place a heal over time on your target, healing 500 over 12 sec.
Equip: Restores 16 mana per 5 sec.
* Fel-Steel Warhelm
* Binds when picked up
* Plate
* Head
* 1306 Armor
* +46 Strength
+46 Stamina
* Durability 100 / 100
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Improves hit rating by 30.
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 44.
* Girdle of Zaetar
* Binds when picked up
* Leather
* Waist
* 227 Armor
* +22 Stamina
+23 Intellect
+24 Spirit
* Blue Socket Blue Socket
Blue Socket Blue Socket
* Socket Bonus: +7 Healing
* Durability 40 / 40
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 73.
* Void Reaver Greaves
* Binds when picked up
* Mail
* Legs
* 787 Armor
* +37 Agility
+33 Stamina
+24 Intellect
* Red Socket Red Socket
Yellow Socket Yellow Socket
Blue Socket Blue Socket
* Socket Bonus: +4 Agility
* Durability 105 / 105
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Increases attack power by 88.
* Warp-Spring Coil
* Binds when picked up
* Unique
* Trinket
* Classes: Rogue
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Improves hit rating by 21.
Equip: Your special attacks have a chance to give you 1000 armor penetration for 15 seconds.
* Wristgaurds of Determination
* Binds when picked up
* Plate
* Wrist
* 703 Armor
* +37 Stamina
* Durability 55 / 55
* Requires Level 70
* Equip: Increases defense rating by 24.
Equip: Increases your dodge rating by 19.
Equip: Increases your shield block rating by 13. |