- 积分
- 1632
- 威望
- 235
- 金钱
- 0
- 阅读权限
- 70
- 在线时间
- 198 小时

Scene 1
When they first meet, Harry is dating Sally's friend, Amanda. They both are leaving the University of Chicago for New York City, and Harry gives Sally a ride.
Song: But you say either and I say either, you say neither and I say neither. Either, either, neither, neither, let's 1)call the whole thing off. You say potato and I say potato, you say tomato and I say tomato. Potato, potato, tomato, tomato, let's call the whole thing off. Ohhhhh.
Harry: Well, why don't you tell me the story of your life? (Spits a grape seed out of the car window)
Sally: (Gives him a disgusting look) The story of my life?
Harry: We got 18 hours to kill before we hit New York.
Sally: The story of my life isn't even going to get us out of Chicago. I mean, nothing's happened to me yet. That's why I'm going to New York.
Harry: So something happened to you?
Sally: Yes.
Harry: Like what?
Sally: Like I’m going to journalism school to become a reporter.
Harry: So you can write about things that happen to other people!
Sally: That’s one way to look at it.
Harry: Suppose nothing happens to you, suppose you lived there your whole life and nothing happens, you never meet anybody, you never become anything and finally you die one of those New York deaths where nobody notices for two weeks until the smell drifts into the 2)hallway. (Spits)
Sally: Amanda mentioned you had a dark side.
Harry: That’s what drew her to me.
Sally: Your dark side?
Harry: Sure. Why don’t you have a dark side? No, you’re probably one of those cheerful people who dots their “i”s with little hearts.
Sally: I have just as much of a dark side as the next person.
Harry: Oh really? When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first that way in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends. That, my friend, is a dark side. (Spits)
Sally: That doesn’t mean you’re deep or anything. I mean, yes, basically I’m a happy person.
Harry: So am I.
Sally: And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.
Harry: Of course not! You are too busy being happy. You ever think about death?
Sally: Yes!
Harry: Sure, you do. A fleeting thought that’s just in and out of the transom of your mind. I spend hours, I spend days.
Sally: And you think this makes you a better person?
Harry: Look, when the shit comes down, I’m going to be prepared and you are not. That’s all I’m saying.
Sally: In the meantime, you’re going to ruin your whole life waiting for it. (Harry spits again.)
(Later in a restaurant.)
Waitress: What can I get ya?
Harry: I’ll have the Number 3.
Sally: I’d like the chef’s salad, please, with the oil and 3)vinegar on the side, and the apple pie a la mode.
Waitress: Chef and apple a la mode.
Sally: But I’d like the pie heated and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla, if you have it. If not, then no ice cream, just whipped cream -- but only if it’s real. If it’s out of a can, then nothing.
Waitress: Not even the pie?
Sally: No, just the pie, but then not heated.
Waitress: Uh huh.
(Harry is stunned at how Sally wants her food to be prepared.)
Sally: What?
Harry: Nothing, nothing. So how come you broke up with Sheldon?
Sally: How do you know we broke up?
Harry: Because if you didn’t break up, you wouldn’t be here with me, you’d be off with Sheldon, the Wonder Schlong.
Sally: First of all, I am not with you! And second of all, it is none of your business why we broke up!
Harry: You’re right, you’re right. I don’t want to know!
Sally: Well, if you must know, it was because he was very jealous and I had these days-of-the-week 4)underpants.
Harry: AAAhhhhh!! I’m sorry, I need a judge’s ruling on this. Days-of-the-week underpants?
Sally: Yes, they had the days of the week on them and I thought they were sort of funny. And then one day, Sheldon says to me, “You never wear Sunday.” It’s all suspicious --Where was Sunday? Where had I left Sunday? And I told him and he didn’t believe me.
Harry: What?
Sally: They don’t make Sunday.
Harry: Why not?
Sally: Because of God.
(Later, Sally is calculating her share of the bill, and Harry is staring at her.)
Sally: OK, so 15 percent of my share is $6.90... What? Do I have something on my face?
Harry: You are a very attractive person.
Sally: (Suspicious) Thank you.
Harry: Amanda never said how attractive you were.
Sally: Well, maybe she doesn’t think I’m attractive.
Harry: I don’t think it’s a matter of opinion. Empirically, you are attractive.
Sally: (Astonished) Amanda is my friend!
Harry: So?
Sally: So you are going with her!
Harry: So?
Sally: So you’re 5)coming on to me!
Harry: No, I wasn’t! What? Can’t a man say a woman is attractive without it being a come-on? All right, all right, let’s just say, just for the sake of argument that it was a come-on. What do you want me to do about it? I take it back. OK? I take it back!
Sally: You can’t take it back!
Harry: Why not?
Sally: Because it’s already out there!
Harry: Oh, gees! What are we supposed to do --Call the 6)cops? It’s already out there!
Sally: Just let it lie, OK?
Harry: Great! Let it lie! That’s my policy. That’s what I always say. Let it lie! Want to spend a night in a motel? See what I did? I didn’t let it lie!
Sally: Harry?
Harry: I said I would and then I didn’t.
Sally: Harry?
Harry: I went the other way.
Sally: Harry?
Harry: What?
Sally: We are just going to be friends, OK?
Harry: Great! Friends, the best thing!
Scene 2
After parting in Manhattan, it’s five years before they bump into each other again, this time in an airport. Now, Harry is engaged to get married and Sally is in a serious relationship.
Song: You say either and I say either, you say neither and I say neither. Either, either, and neither, neither, let’s call the whole thing off. Yes, you like potato and I like potato, you like tomato and I like tomato. Potato, potato, tomato, tomato, let’s call the whole thing off.
Harry: You were a good friend of...
Sally: Amanda’s. I can’t believe, you can’t remember her name.
Harry: What do you mean? I can remember, Amanda, right, Amanda Rice.
Sally: Reese.
Harry: Reese, right, that’s what I said. Whatever happened to her?
Sally: I have no idea.
Harry: You have no idea? You were really good friends with her. We didn’t make it because you were such good friends!
Sally: You went with her.
Harry: And was it worth it? The 7)sacrifice for a friend that you don’t even keep in touch with.
Sally: Harry, you might not believe this, but I never considered not sleeping with you a sacrifice.
Harry: Fair enough, fair enough! You were going to be a 8)gymnast.
Sally: A journalist!
Harry: Right, that’s what I said. And?
Sally: I am a journalist, I work at the news.
Harry: Great, and you’re with Joe. Well, that’s great, great! You’re together what, three weeks?
Sally: A month. How did you know that?
Harry: You take someone to the airport: it’s clearly the beginning of a relationship. That’s why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship.
Sally: Why?
Harry: Because eventually things move on and you don’t take someone to the airport, and I never wanted anyone to say to me, “How come you never take me to the airport anymore?”
Sally: It’s amazing! You look like a normal person, but actually you are the angel of death.
Harry: Are you going to marry him?
Sally: We have only known each other for a month and besides, neither one of us is looking to get married right now.
Harry: Um... I’m getting married.
Sally: You are??
Harry: Humm.
Sally: You are?!
Harry: Yes.
Sally: Who is she?
Harry: Helen Hillson, she’s a lawyer, 9)she’s keeping her name.
Sally: You’re getting married?
Harry: Yea!
(Sally laughs.)
Harry: 10)Staying over?
Sally: Yes.
Harry: Would you like to have dinner? Just friends.
Sally: I thought you didn’t believe men and women could be friends.
Harry: When did I say that?
Sally: On the ride to New York.
Harry: No, no, no, I never said that! Yes, that’s right. They can’t be friends, unless both of them are involved with other people, then they can. This is an 11)amendment to the earlier rule. The two people in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement is lifted. That doesn’t work either, because what happens then is the person you are involved with can’t understand why you need to be friends with the person you are just friends with. Like it means something is missing from the relationship and why do they go outside to get it. Then when you say ”No, no, no, no, it’s not true, nothing is missing from the relationship.” The person you’re involved with, then 12)accuses you of being secretly attracted to the person you are just friends with, which you probably are, I mean, come on, I mean who the hell are we kidding. I mean, let’s face it, which brings us back to the earlier rule before the amendment, which is men and women can’t be friends. So where does it leave us?
Sally: Harry?
Harry: What?
Sally: Goodbye!
Harry: OK.
Scene 3
Sally is seated at a New York restaurant table with two other women who are her friends and confidants.
Sally: Joe and I broke up.
Alice: What?
Marie: When?
Sally: Monday.
Alice: You waited three days to tell us?
Marie: You mean Joe’s 13)available?
Alice: Oh, for God’s sakes, Marie, don’t you have any feelings about this? She’s obviously upset.
Sally: I’m not that upset. We’ve been growing apart for quite a while.
Alice: But you guys were a couple; you had someone to go places with. You had a date on national holidays!
Sally: I said to myself, you deserve more than this, you’re 31 years old.
Marie: And the clock is ticking.
Sally: No, the clock doesn’t really start to tick until you are 36.
Alice: OK, but don’t wait too long, remember what happened with David Warsaw? His wife left him and everyone said, give him some time, don’t move in too fast. Six months later he was dead!
Sally: What are you saying? I should get married to someone right away in case he’s about to die?
Marie: At least you could say you were married.
Alice: I’m saying that the right man for you might be out there right now and if you don’t grab him, someone else will, and you will have to spend the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband.
Scene 4
Harry and Sally are both newly single (Harry’s wife has recently left him, and Sally has broken off a long-term, dead-end relationship) in their next encounter, and this mutual bond of loss draws them into a close friendship, and even more than friendship.
Song: For a nobody else gave me a thrill, with all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you...
Harry: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is --I love you.
Sally: What?
Harry: I love you.
Sally: How do you expect me to respond to this?
Harry: How about you love me, too?
Sally: How about I’m leaving?
Harry: Doesn’t what I said mean anything to you?
Sally: I’m sorry, Harry, I know it’s New Year’s Eve, I know you’re feeling lonely, but you just can’t show up here, tell me you love me and expect that to make everything alright. It doesn’t work this way!
Harry: Well, how does it work?
Sally: I don’t know, but not this way.
Harry: How about this way: I love it that you get cold when it’s seventy-one degrees out. I love it that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love it that you get a little 14)crinkle above your nose when you looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that when after I spend the day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes, and I love that you are the last person that I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!
Sally: (Melting) You see, that is just like you, Harry! You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you, and I hate you, Harry, I really hate you!
(Auld Land Syne plays in background.)
Harry: What does this song mean? My whole life I don’t know what this song means. I mean, “Should old 15)acquaintances be forgot?” Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean that if we happen to forget them we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot them.
Sally: (Gently) Well, maybe it just means that we should remember that we forgot them or something. Anyway, it’s about old friends...
Song: It had to be you. It had to be you, I wondered around and finally found there’s somebody who could make me be true, could make me be blue, and even be glad just to be sad thinking of you... |