RHAF 19th: 德企的中国体验及其对中国雇员的评价(Nov 25, Bonn)

最新讲座: 预告:RHAF 21期 1月6日 乙肝和你(点击进入)

Rhine Academic Forum 19th:

Experiences of German companies in China and their comments on Chinese employees

Lecturer: Mr. Ulrich Kausch

Ulrich Kausch will give background information of how German companies dealt with the challenge of starting their business in China. The focus, however, will be on issues of employee management including: recruitment, interaction of German/Chinese employees, retention, and motivation.

About Mr. Ulrich Kausch: Mr Kausch is a self-employed consultant and publisher focusing on Asia, especially China. He has ever taken office in two famous companies McKinsey and Lufthansa after his Graduation from University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University successively. For more information please read the webpage: http://www.chinapioniere.de/en/uber/

Nov 25, 2006, Saturday
13:4015:30  Lecture and questions

15:30---------  Free communication

Language: English

Location (click to see)Auf dem Huegel 653121,Bonn-Endenich
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Telephone0228-30667510176 245715620228 8158371, 0172 7134 999 (19-23pm or weekends)


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[ 本帖最后由 wamway 于 2006-12-18 22:36 编辑 ]
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More about Mr. Ulrich Kausch

Ulrich Kausch

At the age of 16, Ulrich Kausch, born 1970, was an exchange student at a US high-school. He not only received his graduation diploma but also started to acquire the skill to understand and appreciate different cultures. Kausch holds a Master of Science in Operations Research and Engineering Economic Systems from Stanford University. Altogether, he spent seven years in the US and a study abroad year in France.

In 1995, following his great interest in China, he spent the summer before starting at Stanford working as an intern in Beijing. Ever since, China was on his mind. He returned to China at the end of 1999. During the following three years in China he managed projects for Chinese and US companies, married a Chinese, and picked up the ability to fluently speak Chinese.

In the field of organizing people, technology and process, Kausch commands 12 years of experience designing strategic concepts and managing their implementation. Today, he is a self-employed consultant and publisher focusing on Asia, especially China.

Kausch is active in the local chapter of the non-profit organization „Wirtschaftsjunioren“ (junior business society) promoting projects in the area of education and business. He and his wife live with two small children in Bonn, Germany.

Information copied from http://www.chinapioniere.de/

[ 本帖最后由 莱茵游学论坛 于 2006-11-13 01:49 编辑 ]


Report of the Rhine Academic Forum 19th Seminar:

Experiences of Germancompanies in Chinaand their comments on Chinese employees

  On issues of employee management, Mr. Kautschhad gave an amazing talk on 25 Nov. More than 60 audiences were listening.

  The goal of the presentation was set upon "Provide background information for the successful integration of Chinese employees into German SMEs(Small and Middle Enterprises) in China".

Firstly Mr. Kautsch commented on the positive and negative characters of Chinese Employees. Than pointed out the important general principles for the Chinese to follow, in order to find their way in the German companies. On the other hand, he talked about what the chefs should do to get along their employees, to keep excellent employees stay with the company. Therefore some relevant methods were discussed. Consequently one might ask, what were the most important aspects of a corporation which would probably attract employees. Mr. Kautsch, from his point of View, gave the audience a answer. Some advices such as 5 top methods for employers were presented. Three concrete examples were given to show how they work.

Of course not all the integration was necessarily successful. Mr. Kautsch has collected some arguments from the Chinese history, although there are already lots of successful situations. Nowadays integrations between countries,economically and politically, are obviously inevitable. And this remains always  as problem and challenge for people.

Reporter:Jiarong Zheng

[ 本帖最后由 莱茵游学论坛 于 2006-12-5 23:27 编辑 ]