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原帖由 德国行动 于 2006-3-23 01:12 发表
吃了个饭,发现回帖的人好多,再看看我发的帖子,当时也确实没想得这么深远,只是把自己觉得可能吸引人的地方写了上来,看来偶还是不怎么会宣传,不能说得让人头晕脑胀的马上报名(我做不出,也不会做),还招了这 ...
The term volunteer is contested -- there is no one agreed-to definition, and the term is frequently debated. Some say a volunteer is someone who performs or offers to perform service out of his or her own free will, without payment, usually in support of a non-profit organization, mission-based initiative or community. Others say the term volunteer can apply to someone who receives a stipend for his or her service, as long as the volunteer is engaged in full-time service and has no other paid job. The term is usually used for such service to non-profit organisations, civil society organizations or even initiatives that originate in the public sector (schools, city offices, etc.), but not for those who work for free for a for-profit business.
but not for those who work for free for a for-profit business
[ 本帖最后由 德国中文网首页 于 2006-3-23 01:40 编辑 ] |