本帖最后由 Campus_China 于 2018-3-19 10:58 编辑
Meet with Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Faurecia, Hirschvogel...
中国人才日 - 最具影响力的专为德国及欧洲中国留学生举办的招聘盛会。 届时将有50-60家一流企业提供大量正式工作,管理培训生,论文写作及实习机会。有兴趣免费参与展会请立刻点击官网主页(阅读原文)注册报名。 获取更多职业信息请添加官方服务号Franz Waizmann (微信号zeitlos16)为好友,不错过每周岗位更新!
Bosch JMP_Project Associate (Beijing) Entry Level Position
Job Responsibilities - As coordinator and main responsible person for assigned project - Define and lead the planning and execution of project focusing on tasks, resources, budget, schedule and timeline - Facilitate the definition of project scope, goals and deliverables, track project deliverables using appropriate tools - Constantly monitor and report on progress of the project to all stakeholders - Present reports defining project progress, problems and solutions - Implement and manage project changes and interventions to achieve project outputs - Project evaluations and assessment of results - Provide direction and support to project team
Job Requirements - Master degree majored in mechanics or related majors from top universities - Fast learner, strong motivation of self-development - High potential of leadership, entrepreneurship, good ability of communication and convincing others, good ability of interpersonal skill - Team player and honest
https://www.campus-china.de/job/bosch-jmp-project-associate-a-sa-a-c-c-c-a-e-a-e-c-c-c-ae-a-dc/  Bosch JMP_Producation Associate (Beijing) Entry Level Position
Bosch Junior Managers Program, is an international wide program designed to attract excellent leadership potential talents for accelerated careers. In our 18 to 24 months personalized program, we offer you 3 to 4 rotations including day-to-day business involvement across different business and functions, international assignment with challenging projects, and an experienced mentor in top management with inspiration, as well as best in class trainings. If you're passionate about the things you do and willing to deliver high performance, we are your top partner to ensure your future career and growth. Develop and grow with us! Join a passionate team!
Job Responsibilities - Overall production management regarding the topic of quality, delivery, process, cost and people development - Responsible for planning and controlling regarding production - Responsible for resources of personnel, material, tools and equipment investment etc. - Improve efficiency, quality and optimize process - Responsible for safety and security issue regarding production - Implement Bosch respective guidelines and standards into production - Reporting and presenting on behalf of production - People management regarding development, competence improvement and conflict handling - Overall communication and coordination with related functions.
Job Requirements - Master degree majored in mechanics or related majors from top universities - …
 Please register to meet Bosch and other Top Employers like BASF, Continental, Faurecia,Hirschvogel, RUWAC, Covestro, Tenneco,Kautex and many more at the CHINESE TALENT DAYS, 27/28 April in Cologne – Register here, it is free!   |