
请看北斗卫星位置参数。原先以为是电源故障,现在考虑应该是其他故障,希望还有救。REAL TIME POSITION
% ^8 n) d: N% v, uLatitude -6.86° 8 L' `/ b- [. A) ~
Longitude -9.03° , T' @0 G+ y' K; d) E. D2 \
Azimuth 108.8°
) J/ i5 v* ]1 t& I* NElevation 0.16°
8 V+ a! n6 |. }) L" a" _) |3 sRA 23h 55m 14s
4 v" B, {% X$ {- o4 n. \! kDec -14° 21' 48''
" }- F" H- ?. E! v9 RAltitude 34303.84 km $ N& o( z; ^7 ]. b
Speed 1.5 km/s 5 w, _8 q' O! ]/ ?* X+ i
BEIDOU 1D is China's fourth Beidou (Big Dipper) navigation experimental satellite in orbit. The prev... Details [size=-5]世界论坛网 http://www.wforum.com/gbindex.html [size=-5]世界论坛网 http://www.wforum.com/gbindex.html REAL TIME POSITION
9 `+ ?" l( g5 F; K) q7 `Latitude -6.84°   I$ |7 H6 @/ k8 U; s4 D" _2 ~
Longitude -9.07° ) k& ^; r8 v% j1 b" M0 e
Azimuth 108.82° , A6 _5 y2 [) }# q9 w
Elevation 0.21°
& d. ~% ]: E( a4 H& ]5 g人在德国 社区RA 23h 55m 23s
+ b. }4 D5 o( K& f# o5 u6 J  ~Dec -14° 20' 24'' ; N) Q1 H- Q5 j' @' [# Y
Altitude 34335.20 km
. X7 H( A' e1 ~! r# i/ U4 tSpeed 1.5 km/s csuchen.de0 V/ b0 E" W% S0 {
BEIDOU 1D is China's fourth Beidou (Big Dipper) navigation experimental satellite in orbit. The prev... Details [size=-5]世界论坛网 http://www.wforum.com/gbindex.html [size=-5]世界论坛网 http://www.wforum.com/gbindex.html REAL TIME POSITION 5 d8 r* S9 x$ {: Q
Latitude -6.83° 人在德国 社区! [; x  u, ^* m4 s4 A7 M  {
Longitude -9.1° 人在德国 社区; F5 U) H" c( Z3 b5 s
Azimuth 108.83° 人在德国 社区& Z6 I3 P3 R0 U: @
Elevation 0.24° # D8 a& o  ?# U3 t, w
RA 23h 55m 29s
/ Y- e0 i# ]+ B4 d# p) h& `Dec -14° 19' 26'' csuchen.de# q7 C4 `1 h+ j5 }+ A5 B/ F
Altitude 34354.57 km
$ T1 ^8 h$ F. `# R! M: VSpeed 1.5 km/s
. V- q' {; [: R* t$ o$ X/ X+ d+ q7 aBEIDOU 1D is China's fourth Beidou (Big Dipper) navigation experimental satellite in orbit. The prev... Details