Promises Don't come easy (不叫睡前一歌了,以后叫每日一歌了!)

I should have known all along
there was something wrong
I just never read between the lines
Then I woke up one day
and found you on your way

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don\'t come easy
But tell me if there\'s a way
Well I\'d promises anything to you

I\'ve been walkin\' around
with my head hanging down
Wondrin\' what I\'m gonna do
I knew I needed you more
Than to take a chance on losing you

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don\'t come easy
You know I\'ve made up my mind
to make it work this time
That\'s the promise that I give to you

You never thought I loved you
I guess you never thought I cared
I was just too proud to say it out loud
Now I know
to let my feelings go (so tell me)

What can I do to make it up to you
Promises don\'t come easy
You know I\'ve made up my mind
to make it work this time
That\'s the promise I can give to you
What can I do to make it up to you

         Caron Nightingale的姓氏Nightingale在英文中的本义是一种歌喉婉转动听的鸟儿--夜莺。人如其名,Caron Nightingale的嗓音也像夜莺那样动听,让人闻之感动。在她至今已长达22年的音乐生涯中,这位来自加拿大多伦多的才女从事过作曲、演唱、制作和发行,赢得过无数的奖项。这首Promises Don\'t Come Easy是她的一首名曲,曾经被香港电视剧《创世纪》选作插曲。这首歌以内心独白的方式,对于应该如何对待感情进行了反思,说出了Promises Don\'t Come Easy的心声。这首歌中Nightingale温暖的中音与蔡琴颇有些相似,舒缓的演唱娓娓道来,容易引起听者的共鸣,加上上口的旋律,使之成为一首百听不厌的好歌。


[ 本帖最后由 ari 于 2006-2-17 02:42 编辑 ]
Many people think they are full of niubility and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability.
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