[国际新闻] 失控脱衣有原因 白灵14岁当解放军性奴

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华裔女星白灵打入好莱坞之后,一直语不惊人死不休,昨日她接受心理治疗电视节目《Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew》访问时,竟爆出曾于14岁到西藏当文娱兵时,被解放军的军官强迫她做性奴及饮酒,又因此怀孕而要堕胎,令她日后出现酗酒及性滥交等情况。
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望以自身经验助他人5 X0 t6 e- a& e' E) l. l
人在德国 社区: D2 h  S- A1 H4 Z" U- G* ~
现年 44岁的白灵早年已透露自己在当文娱兵时乱搞男女关系,但未有透露是被迫发生,结果在节目接受治疗后才揭开她的心理困扰。她表示,要说出这段往事并不容易,“我的故事极具震撼力,但它是如此真实、单纯。”想到这段经历也许能让那些和她有同样遭遇的孩子感同身受,觉得自己并不孤单,她才感到释然,如今揭开这道连父母都不知道的旧伤疤,白灵希望以自身经验帮助有相同经历的人。3 }' F& S. c0 F+ e( l+ r  o
人在德国 社区+ h3 D! ?. e/ `2 Q
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) m! O3 |% H5 tcsuchen.de以《红色角落》(Red Corner)打开知名度的白灵说,年少的遭遇对她的人生和事业影响甚大。她自认曾是美丽单纯的人,但媒体却将她形容为到处卖弄身体的荡妇,“我是好莱坞速食文化创造出来的角色,我是这个体制的受害者。”csuchen.de4 }9 \# C" G' f5 G

8 v2 u7 K, J. K, m% ^她稍后会推出年轻回忆录新书《Naked in Tibet》。中国外交部接受美联社访问时,就表示从未听过有关传闻,拒绝评论事件。中共国防部对记者就此事的调查电话也未予答覆。
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曾涉嫌店铺盗窃人在德国 社区, f3 |7 H8 `  w' N+ [- d1 f
csuchen.de' D! t) A" V# U# C, ~, b
白灵生于四川成都,一姐一弟,她的父亲是中国人民解放军退伍的音乐教师,母亲是一个舞蹈演员,后来是四川大学的文学教师。1980年代早期她的父母离婚。白灵从小喜爱表演,在文化大革命期间在她所在的小学里参演样板戏。初中毕业之后到成都郊县双流插队。不久,她参加中国人民解放军到西藏林芝做文艺兵,同时也作护士的工作。3年之后参加成都人民艺术剧院。, N1 j' ~7 ^1 Y  p3 o1 C
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3 f" H/ w# w1 n: e( o% B( C; u* H* l# M1991年前往美国后,曾在一系列电影中出演过一些小角色,包括《乌鸦》(The Crow)、《飙风战警》、《安娜与国王》等。《安娜与国王》全片外景均在马来西亚拍摄。. a8 r8 ^& F( _, ^, `- M4 c- h# f0 V8 n
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1 ]$ Z/ M) A* O' y; J" Y8 A2008年2月14日,白灵在洛杉矶国际机场,涉嫌店铺盗窃有关,曾一度协助调查。同年3月5日,她被以骚扰公众安宁罚款200美元。6 m  e8 p2 a( {0 w7 B3 Z  h
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Bai Ling Reveals Dark Memories of Chinese Army; L# Y* ?- Y& x2 N4 p+ t

% Q( [8 E2 G- ]9 VActress Bai Ling said she is confronting a dark chapter from her past: sexual abuse she suffered as a teenager at the hands of Chinese army officers.
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Bai, 44, who was a soldier in a People's Liberation Army performance troupe from age 14 to 17, told The Associated Press in a recent interview that she was "opening a wound that was very secret to myself, that even my parents don't know."
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. N+ g: B& C  n5 ?人在德国 社区Therapy she received during a U.S. reality TV series helped her understand what she endured in the 1980s and the psychological marks it left on her, Bai said.
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, ^2 a: D: \" ]% N1 cShe was pressed to have sex with her superiors, with one encounter leading to pregnancy and an abortion under an assumed name, Bai said, adding that other women serving with her in Tibet were also forced into sex and regularly plied with alcohol.
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) s7 u0 s5 L2 D" X/ X6 @$ _Bai stressed that she blames individual officers and not the Chinese government for events that have haunted her life and work.
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The actress ("The Crow," ''Red Corner," TV's "Entourage") said she worries about how her revelations on VH1's "Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew" will be received. The show, which airs Sunday, is in its fifth season.
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, M/ g$ ?9 r8 Q5 m7 [# e* n"The only comfort is that I'm using this platform to help others. I know that my story is so powerful and honest and so simple," Bai said. "Even if I can help one child and make them feel they haven't been forgotten, that's the only comfort I have."