还没看,不知里面内容,不过「Die Rivalen」只说对了一半,Kampf um die Weltmärkte  通常是「既联合又斗争」,
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1 y8 M( ^+ W% n6 T英国金融时报引述德国工程业协会 (VDMA)会长黑塞的话说:「没有中国,这次复苏几乎就不可能实现,这是一个可怕的趋势。」他指出,纺织机械的需求「几乎完全」来自中国。
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9 A  j' _* ]- W: K7 _( `German exports jump on Chinese demand   July 8 2010
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“Without China we would hardly have seen this recovery – it’s a frightening trend,” said Hannes Hesse, managing director of the VDMA engineering association. Demand for textile machines was “almost exclusively” Chinese.