- 积分
- 107660
- 威望
- 41024
- 金钱
- 6
- 阅读权限
- 130
- 性别
- 男
- 在线时间
- 3126 小时

邓小平改变了整个世界6 S# `6 W6 k: z4 v; ~; T' L
) L5 n5 O& `6 {, s# k, ^ |# u X英国《泰晤士报》驻京记者发自北京,题为《中国缅怀改变世界的人》+ ]& i8 c$ ~- ?7 @7 L- h8 r
. O7 j. n0 o" R4 V) U+ ]5 [7 k( e; W- W: Q2 ]
8 W) i/ W% S/ h; S3 k
( h3 G- X- I3 |$ B, U1 t' U6 C7 Bcsuchen.de 她的女儿邓榕回忆说,父亲不茍言笑,沉默少语,但是他非常疼爱孙子孙女,孩子们放学后,他有时会让他们到办公室一起看动画片《猫和老鼠》。
. k a/ g- B7 h; G' y% Y' k5 i- X: B" Y; t
邓榕在接受本报记者采访时说,她的父亲话不多,但总是面带笑容。邓榕说:“在看见孙子孙女时,他高兴得都笑眯了眼睛。” * N1 W6 Y3 r' ?7 t9 J) j+ A
csuchen.de) ^# M0 L1 q. k
$ g- b' t. P' h% U人在德国 社区
. Q ~/ A$ R. Y6 O5 } 邓小平有5个孩子,邓榕排行老四。 人在德国 社区9 w) E. q0 f) ^9 A6 A) i5 X: B
/ e) @& d8 o) H) \" m' ]& Y
她认为,父亲当年最大的困难是让很多同事明白中国到了该改革的时候了。 人在德国 社区8 Z3 c/ i2 i2 ~* p r
2 v) ]1 C5 U7 A3 S 她说,邓小平解放了人们的思想,这非常重要。过去,中国闭关自守,不接受市场经济。“今天我们以为这很容易,但当时确实很难。”
' T' |% e; M) Q) Y0 ^: f* p0 z$ h7 Q0 C% P( ~/ y* ]6 H: t
在三次政治运动中起起落落的邓小平,是一个务实主义者。当时,他曾被下放到江西省一个偏远地区的拖拉机厂劳动。 人在德国 社区) E) F: J' {$ y
4 ^( E( K1 |, e 邓小平把自己的政策描绘为“有中国特色的社会主义”。10年前,悼词说他是中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师。如今,他作出的从指令性经济转变为市场经济的大胆决定正在改变整个世界。
7 W* U9 {" Z% I. Bcsuchen.de/ o8 O6 t* l- G6 o! h: S$ e3 {
香港科技大学中国问题专家崔大伟说:“他使中国对外开放,并把中国纳入迈向21世纪两个大国之一的轨道上。这是邓小平留下的惊人遗产。他是一位坚毅的人。”csuchen.de ~; w; ~$ r8 p4 b! k1 g# h" w
: [4 `& E; k' x# a; C$ P K
- J' M" S/ F% ?: A9 W4 |7 R4 ^csuchen.de 他说,邓小平作出的选择或许并非总是最佳的,但他作出了使中国变成今天这样的选择。
# K9 c: q+ n4 N9 b; H人在德国 社区 f! O/ n: d$ z' A% ?! ]& H8 e
) \6 x, l q. ^8 E. Q人在德国 社区csuchen.de0 j+ N- B1 X$ v
4 P7 ]% t1 J M* i: Y! h; F2 ?& H4 a4 A/ o5 D8 m3 f
5 {( w7 O7 J* h* J人在德国 社区- v; _+ v. A; o1 J7 c. ^
China honours man who reshaped world人在德国 社区6 U8 P4 ^( _( B1 Q9 W5 \- @
When Deng Xiaoping came to power in the late 1970s, the tallest building in China was the 18-floor Beijing Hotel. Today the Jingguang building soars to 53 storeys and by 2008 will be eclipsed by the 330-metre China World Trade Centre. / O* D% ^; B! a3 F
, u( t! T6 h/ I, [" aChina might still be low-rise but for Deng’s determination to open the country after decades of isolation, and to try to end grinding poverty by forcing through market-style economic reforms. $ y9 z o7 Z- q* r! k% Y; E
! _; W3 T) m# Z l- Y- ^But despite his role in reshaping the nation, the memorials for Deng today, the tenth anniversary of his death, are likely to be as low-key as the man himself.
9 \5 y( J P$ L7 H! c0 y& x% p* t8 I
( k# m! A8 D9 m7 w% k" N2 BHis daughter reminisces about a father who was restrained, almost taciturn, but who loved to invite his grandchildren into his office to watch Tom and Jerry cartoons after school.
2 d0 v) R) ]1 ?: C人在德国 社区
" \1 W1 ]' x' t* @1 _csuchen.de“He spoke little, but smiled a lot,” Deng Rong told The Times in a rare interview. “Whenever he saw his grandchildren he smiled so much that his eyes crinkled up with delight.” % b7 ~) T1 T" K0 j8 W0 I
' e( {6 T% z% u9 H" |8 m7 ?
Memorials were anathema to a man who, before his death at 92, had seen at first hand the damage wrought by Chairman Mao’s cult of personality. He told his family they might as well flush his ashes down the lavatory. Instead, they were scattered at sea to frustrate plans to use his name as a rallying point. 人在德国 社区8 B/ o. f$ E7 z7 K0 B
: U4 ~4 i8 @, U
Ms Deng, 56, the fourth of Deng’s five children, believes that his toughest task was to convince his left-leaning revolutionary colleagues that it was time for China to change. 7 d% Q0 o6 S9 q# W9 Y
6 N1 w" e0 Q$ e N" |. @" Qcsuchen.deShe said: “He liberated their ideas. This was fundamental. In the past, China was closed and walked with bound feet. It couldn’t accept the market. Nowadays we think that this was easy, but then it was really difficult.”
: n+ ~8 y: N7 ^& y# j% s, b v& I, `
9 y( u, v. U9 l5 r* N, y+ QNicknamed the Rubber Ball for bouncing back to power from three political purges, Deng was above all a pragmatist. Mao branded him the “No 2 Capitalist Roader” during the ultra-leftist Cultural Revolution of 1966-76 when he was banished to a remote part of Jiangxi province to work in a tractor factory. But Mao may have been right.
( {! _9 ]/ H3 a5 E) ]# l
% N0 _4 y+ i+ rDeng described his policy as “socialism with Chinese characteristics” — effectively a euphemism for capitalism Chinese-style. A decade ago, obituaries described a leader who changed the face of China. Today, his daring decision to transform his country from a Soviet-style command economy is reshaping the world.
8 h2 ~9 P4 \8 y) [0 D0 K `# \6 N# _) N2 b2 O9 [8 }6 R- L+ @8 @
David Zweig, a China expert at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said: “Here is a guy who opened up the country and put it on course to where it will be one of the two world powers of the 21st century. That’s an incredibly strong legacy. He was a gutsy guy.” . c) D8 |' \1 U' f
, j, H% Y+ P; J# D9 _1 H% c& f
He understood that his decision to send in troops to crush the 1989 student-led Tiananmen Square demonstrations would lead to international opprobrium, but calculated that the world would be back. . H/ }, T) T4 N4 P2 S+ M `3 [" M
1 [5 v4 t! R/ N1 e. y9 Y* u; B2 YMr Zweig said: “He may not have made the best choice always, but he made the choices that helped to turn China into the power it is today.”
2 g7 h" C2 M% J4 k) c: Dcsuchen.de8 L5 ^* ? O2 f% B
Ms Deng sees her father as more of an architect than a policymaker. 4 l% l. |: w& z( Z1 P
4 P$ ]' E: y- p* YBut he described himself as an optimist. He was never averse to a glass of strong grain liquor at lunch — it helped him to nap — and he retained a love of croissants and French red wine acquired when he studied and worked near Paris in his late teens.
6 `) i" m- e3 p% o; tcsuchen.de; G+ b/ j0 n2 r
His daughter says that his most difficult task was to overhaul the system of lifelong tenure for the elite. “He ended power-for-life for leaders, replacing government by man with government by law. I’m very proud to say that my father was the first leader in Chinese history who retired while he was still in power.” . T0 q$ k- [" r2 Q; X2 e1 N
9 M' w( H2 ~. a9 W
Long road to riches
4 d- v7 ~) t2 N' w4 }* D9 x# `人在德国 社区$ f! k+ F) r$ c7 i8 H
/ {% E7 C* Q' k, D( N' {* c1 d6 [& _csuchen.de
" M- f F) n$ z# _( | kPopulation in cities: 550 million
8 z! Y1 j7 r/ C# m) z, y6 p: j3 q5 \8 [/ y8 j
Gross domestic product: $10 trillion 5 u. h E, B# O! ~3 ?% \
0 a( ^! X+ j1 K6 E5 f7 e) `" BOil consumption: 6.5 million barrels a day
9 A& q- i# r$ b! I2 F* j( s+ }csuchen.de5 M% Y& \8 T+ W0 |6 p$ W7 @" J
Exports: $954 billion 5 V* D* d& }3 n) I3 `
/ m6 h4 g0 }! q* ]0 a/ QPopulation below the poverty line: 130 million 7 ?4 V$ a) U8 ?2 L# Y
; C* H0 W. W$ N4 ^5 [人在德国 社区Ten years ago
- E7 h$ t2 m: f9 i, b
) k5 a) o, v8 W# L( G# ~: d: ZPopulation in cities: 370 million
. r; ~, a1 _4 z) i6 h2 j r Ocsuchen.de
. D4 k+ j2 J1 Z5 Y7 i3 xGross domestic product: $4 trillion
$ s$ O6 U% W) A/ o% l
8 m7 K$ Z' t4 ?+ E/ Y$ s6 KOil consumption: 3.9 million barrels a day * H3 Q' w( Q% o# T8 {* o! w5 P
0 @, R+ b7 Y" J ?/ y/ ^6 V. Q人在德国 社区Exports: $182 billion
: K% D$ h* k' @) H& P人在德国 社区csuchen.de6 j4 M& n. f. k; s! i( W, q6 e8 d( c
Population below the poverty line: 120 million
! G5 n( C6 |3 r$ Q! B
- v: J- C8 L, F# BSources: CIA, World Bank, Earth Policy Institute, news agencies
7 J) L2 h L3 C& r' s人在德国 社区csuchen.de+ i# o1 P9 o$ e. ?) j
csuchen.de7 z: }" A/ T6 {$ T. R+ ]+ r
“要不是邓小平决心实行改革,中国的建筑物或许依然不会很高...”图为92年邓小平南巡。人在德国 社区$ ^0 `4 t6 u8 S% a+ v5 |3 f
3 a+ ?2 M7 m! K" G2 p% V; i[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-2-22 09:47 编辑 ] |