[国际新闻] 北京石景山公园 盗版迪士尼

北京的石景山游乐园有一个灰姑娘城堡的复制品,那里的员工将自己打扮成白雪公主、7个小矮人以及其他迪斯尼人物形象。它打出的口号是——“迪斯尼太远,来石景山游乐园。”这一切并未得到迪斯尼公司的授权,但这并不妨碍这家游乐园仿造出自己的“梦幻王国”。据日本媒体报道,令人叫绝的是,园区总经理刘景旺在接受采访时说:“园内的米老鼠并不是老鼠,而是一只大耳猫!”! I" E' I0 ], v( I

& q% `& [' k; w1 b9 n; q5 w& \csuchen.de据悉,园内随处可见迪士尼的影子。唐老鸭、维尼、七个小矮人和白雪公主等走在游乐园大道上,和游客们握手拥抱合影。游乐园甚至出现了仿冒的多啦A梦、吉蒂猫。 , i. C+ Z, t. g4 ~2 H
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另据青年参考消息,4月9日,美国政府宣布将就中国的盗版问题,向世贸组织提起诉讼。美国公司称,中国的盗版行为令其每年损失几十亿美元。 不过,带孩子到游乐园玩的一名家庭主妇张丽(音译)说出的一番话,暴露了中国人对这个问题的典型看法,“这有什么大不了的?凭什么迪斯尼能用这些形象,其他人就不能用?”她的看法在中国相当普遍。 香港太阳报则指出,有评论称国际上已有抵制北京奥运的呼声。现在,石景山游乐园又爆发盗版事件,可能令北京受到更大压力。! ]6 E9 L. p1 |6 N

9 `' I* N/ m4 \: }Beijing's Copycat Disneyland Park Sparks Controversy
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Forget DVDs, China now has pirated theme parks
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$ p6 }. o9 ~3 A; L* U- ~. U9 l, o"Disneyland is too far."
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That's the slogan of Beijing's state sponsored "Shijingshan Amusement Park," a park which isn't generating as much press for making dreams come true as it is for stealing the dreams of others. Beijing's answer to Disneyland has Disney and U.S. government officials as angry as that trademarked cartoon duck with a lisp.
8 c" X* ~- z& d# o+ o/ F人在德国 社区
8 H8 i/ @4 a+ P4 J; eIt's easy to see why. Just one look at promotional photographs of the Beijing park and it's instantly clear why people are upset and just downright confused. The park itself contains a replica of Disney's trademark Cinderella Castle and a structure that looks eerily like Epcot's Spaceship Earth. That's only the beginning, however. Shijingshan Amusement Park also contains a host of costumed characters that look amazingly similar to not only Disney's trademark characters, but also Shrek, Hello Kitty and a number of other trademarked characters.
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. O. O* c* H& ?5 ~- _7 ~Park officials are quick to deny any wrong-doing. In fact, when the park's president, Liu Jingwang, was interviewed by a local journalist, Jingwang insisted that the trademark mouse character in question wasn't actually a mouse, but a "big-eared cat."  h& h" z7 c$ [( e: ~& p4 ^

2 _: ^/ J7 J" I/ q- ~8 I人在德国 社区A young mother told China's Business Newspaper, The Standard, that she couldn't understand why others shouldn't be allowed to use the trademarked characters. This sort of statement seems to be indicative of the current atmosphere in Beijing regareing intellectual theft.
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Just last month, U.S. officials filed a claim with the World Trade Organization over Beijing's booming piracy business which includes pirated films, music, fake designer goods and other intellectual properties. On Tuesday, the European Union asked to be involved in the talks regarding Beijing's rampant piracy issues following Canada and Japan's move to join the talks. Beijing has warned Washington officials that, if they continue on course with the WTO case, such a case could damage bilateral trade relations.
4 W3 M' w' C, t- j4 v5 @csuchen.de
& f- ~" C- x. J5 W* v7 IAs for the park, Japanese bloggers have been doing their own bit of investigation. Recently, photos surfaced that included Shijingshan Amusement Park's "unofficial" Donald Duck (who perhaps is just a confused rabbit) posing for pictures with the mascot of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.csuchen.de; m+ [: d5 r2 b: e9 p  D
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Next year, Beijing will play host to the Olympic Games. This has caused its own bit of controversy due to China's continuing support of the Sudanese government despite the U.S. and Britain's effort to impose sanctions on Sudan in light of the violence in Darfur. Mia Farrow, UN good-will ambassador, recently dubbed the 2008 games "The Genocide Olympics."
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, x5 F! {7 I9 D+ X* uIn the meantime, Beijing residents don't seem to have an issue with the park and are just happy that their children will finally have a chance to meet Minnie Mouse. Or Minnie Cat. Or whoever.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-5-7 17:42 编辑 ]

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Shijingshan Amusement Park.jpg

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