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38岁的澳大利亚妇女查普曼因健康问题,生下前2个子女时都被迫用剖腹方式生产。她这次选择在一家妇科医院进行协助剖腹接生法,生出第3个儿子托马斯。 2 }# [2 [" B# }8 D' l6 e$ ^* I+ H
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, p, b% Z x: X6 I0 k人在德国 社区 一般的剖腹生产中,助产士是第一个看到婴儿的人,然后会将婴儿送走检查,妈妈要等很久才看得见宝宝。 csuchen.de- F- m6 C0 R/ D, k. ?. V
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Deliver your own baby... by caesarean9 i6 h5 P( V( O% o
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Naomi Chapman has joined the ranks of women who helped deliver their own baby by caesarean.人在德国 社区- I0 `+ A. i9 M: z) {
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8 u0 _3 ?9 I5 Q- MUsing a procedure known as "assisted caesarean", Ms Chapman's hands were guided into her womb by doctors so she could be the first to hold her new baby, Thomas, when he was born on April 2. 人在德国 社区) `7 O, R0 ]- K
* A0 ?5 `+ Z* {% Gcsuchen.deMs Chapman, 38, of Perth, who for medical reasons was forced to have her three children by caesarean, chose an assisted caesarean at the city's King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women to be closer to her baby.
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+ c8 {7 p T5 u3 m: ~# bcsuchen.de"In a caesarean they put a screen up in front of you, you can feel very disconnected and it can be very quick, and then the baby is handed straight over to a pediatrician and taken away . . . and for some people they don't even get the baby brought back to them and they can have a long separation," she said.
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+ g" a5 K" w. b0 N% |"There was no screen in front of me, I was participating, and while I could not see them actually doing the surgical cut, I was intricately involved. I could help participate, it was very emotional, it was just wonderful," she said.
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Ms Chapman, a nurse for 10 years before becoming a midwife, said women did not need medical experience to have an assisted caesarean.
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9 O; t& T/ ~8 `0 Z% `6 j& @/ _9 t: k"You have to be very motivated and some people don't like the thought of touching their baby or being near their tummy, and that's fine," she said. " d" U9 \$ r1 N- C
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"Birthing is all about choice and women making informed choices. I believe it was safe. I feel fine."
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: i; b. i9 c, U8 [% b人在德国 社区But she said vaginal births should still have priority.
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* k8 s; M9 _; ~: C) d! \+ ["But for those of us who don't necessarily have that opportunity this is a way of making an intervention experience a better experience," she said. , ?, F! F, m0 Y2 |: u) R
% A! t) G/ B2 t1 Z& M3 d1 N3 r9 K+ |) B人在德国 社区"It was just amazing. The two doctors there got his head in the right spot, but I was really the main person who touched our child first up." 0 S5 m! V2 H1 U# b- n
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Chris Gunnell, the Perth obstetrician who performed the procedure, said assisted caesareans were unlikely to become mainstream. 1 [& [7 X+ M! K3 g& ~. t0 L Y) V
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"A lot of women are actually grossed out about the idea, they don't like the concept of helping," Dr Gunnell said. csuchen.de- t7 G" k5 ~' m& M0 w
, v: H% |3 q. t"I don't think it will become standard and I don't think it should. There are still a lot things to work on, things like infections."
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% l) {+ Z+ \8 w& o5 J人在德国 社区The executive officer of the Australian College of Midwives, Barbara Vernon, said the technique had been practised occasionally in Australia for many years.
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0 L0 \( i7 U6 y0 b( @csuchen.deShe said techniques such as a "natural caesarean" could help establish the mother-baby bond.) I) Z1 i1 S: B: j2 |, I
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' r/ W- g( \) ~4 g6 P, `* L
5 p( D' z* g& n" qSPECIAL DELIVERY: Thomas Greenway arrives with some special help from his mother, Naomi Chapman who took a hands on role in her own caeserian section operation.
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[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-16 11:41 编辑 ] |
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