Lindsay Lohan《Confessions of a Broken Heart》

I wait for the postman to bring me a letter
I wait for the good Lord to make me feel better
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
A family in crisis that only grows older
Why'd you have to go
Why'd you have to go
Why'd you have to go
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am broken but I am hoping
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me is dying and
These are, these are
The confessions of a broken heart
And I wear all your old clothes, your polo sweater
I dream of another you
The one who would never (never)
Leave me alone to pick up the pieces
A daddy to hold me, that's what I needed
So why'd you have to go
Why'd you have to go
Why'd you have to go!!
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me
Cause these are, these are
The confessions of a broken heart
I love you,
I love you
I love you
I love you!!
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don't know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth...
Did you ever love me!!!?
Did you ever love me?
These are.....
The confessions...of a broken heart
I wait for the postman to bring me a letter..

[ 本帖最后由 小狗不乖 于 2006-6-2 15:42 编辑 ]

多多支持 谢 :girl.gif

对琳赛来说,心中永远的痛来自于家庭:在她小时候父母就常失和吵架,父亲更因酗酒易怒的问题数度闯祸进监狱,父母的婚 姻于去年终告结束。琳赛将对父亲的埋怨和关爱的渴望全数写进2006全新专辑《私生活》的首支单曲“ Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)”,琳赛萝涵找来演员饰演她已经分居的父母,在音乐录影带中大打出手。在新歌的音乐录影带中,毫不避讳将其公诸于世,并找来演员扮演自己的爸妈并大打出手,她和妹妹艾莉则冷眼旁观,琳赛萝涵说“我希望老爸可以明白这首歌的意义,我爱他、我也需要他。”

[ 本帖最后由 小狗不乖 于 2006-6-2 15:57 编辑 ]