Du," bsgmbs", was meinst Du? Ich bin ein bisschen verwirrt über Dein Unterscheidungsvermögen. Wenn Du findest, dass ich mich als die Lehrer(In) Suchende tarne, bist Du aber echt bescheuert.
Ich würde nichts weiter als mehr punkten!
Stecke bitte Deine Nase in die richtige Stelle. bushuo.gif


不是给你的, 有人怀疑你穿我的马甲, hit.gifhan.gif  所以我得声明一下不是我找家教.我的德语虽不是很强,但还不用找人来教.
没有别的意思,别误会, 只是因你的贴子而出所以只能再借贵贴了. :P


Ok my dear friend, first, what I meant was that you thinking I was the same person who was looking for a teacher is pretty ridiculous. I tried to prove that by answering in German (by the way, names always begin with a capital letter). If my German did confuse anybody, I sincerely apologize. I didn't want anybody to feel discouraged about his or her German. After all, we all live in this country and should try to learn its language properly.
Secondly, I was a bit harsh maybe, because I was already a bit angered by previous experiences with the way this forum is managed. Thus, I reacted with anger again when I was accused without any reason, sorry for that. I really think you shouldn't have acted that way, though. After all, you put the thread up in front yourself. Think about it

No harsh feelings, please. :)


没明白,什么意思. 我这回倒想问你:do you understand chinese?

我怎么也不可能把这两句话联系起来,第三页你的最后一段倒底什么意思啊?!什么叫自己再顶,死撑着? 我怎么就想了半天不知道您老哪儿来的逻辑. 我的意思想问:"用怎么少的钱,楼主找到老师了吗"



同志辛苦了! 累了,就先喝点水.