
一般来说, 重头戏都放在最后, 本来期待在决赛会有经典比赛, 结果自然是大家都知道的了. 汉堡小孩的羽毛球龄才三年,   上一次的对抗那天他刚好满15周岁. 他是先战胜了他自己之后才赢的这场球.
这个赛季才特许打Bezirksliga客串, 而且是在不影响学习的前提下, 以实战作为训练的补充...

其实大家都在期待决赛男单的精彩表演, 更何况今年还是奥运之年呢....

say sth sensible:
1) if ur good enough, why not play it by urself?
2) if ur kids good enough, why not let him play in U15 or U17 DM? there are lot's of good kids like him.

[ 本帖最后由 lndz 于 2008-5-13 11:31 编辑 ]


so, u see, 'in a game, we go wherever we want, in a tournament, we go wherever we are needed', the same for us.

the kid has won very nice titles, congratulations! we hope we can hear more successes from him in the future.