
London (AFP) - Ein britisches Forscherteam hat den franzoesischen "Vieux-Boulogne" als weltweit stinkigsten Kaese ausgemacht. Die Sorte machte in einem Test mit einer computergesteuerten "elektronischen Nase" sowie einer Jury aus 19 Freiwilligen das Rennen, wie die Cranfield-Universitaet in Bedfordshire mitteilte.



Mother is the most beautiful word in the English language, followed by passion, smile, love and eternity, according to a worldwide survey.


Sex auf der Buehne

挪威歌手Tommy Hol Ellingsen 及瑞典女朋友被罚1217欧元.
Umweltprojekt "Fuck for Forest", mit dem Geld für die Wiederaufforstung des Regenwaldes gesammelt wird.




Leukaemia patient completes gruelling penny farthing ride across Australia
Thu Dec 2,11:16 AM ET
SYDNEY (AFP) - A British leukaemia patient rolled into Sydney after a gruelling fundraising ride on a vintage penny
farthing bicycle across the Australian outback.
Lloyd Scott, 43, set out from Perth in Western Australia on October 13 on what many saw as a crazy mission to raise one
million pounds (1.9 million dollars) for the British charity, Children with Leukaemia.
To do it, he had to cross the hot Nullarbor Plain on his awkward, uncomfortable bike for 12 hours a day along the longest,
straightest road in the world.
The penny farthing, an ungainly-looking bicycle with a front wheel much larger than the back one, was popular during the
nineteenth century.
As he reached Sydney's Bondi Beach seven weeks and one day after he began, Scott admitted he was only one third of the way
toward his financial target, but still hopeful of reaching it.
"It's worth the pain because there's a very personal message from me as well, the fact that I actually had leukaemia."
The former firefighter was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia in 1987.
Following a successful transplant which sent the disease into remission, he dedicated himself to raising money for Children
with Leukaemia through a series of endurance events.
In a previous charity effort he completed the London Marathon in a deep-sea diving suit.
Scott said many people might find his latest adventure a "bit barmy (insane)" but it was worth it.
"I mean, someone today will probably be diagnosed as having leukaemia and they can say 'Oh, that guy who rode the bike
across Australia, he had leukaemia.'
"It might instil a little bit of hope or inspiration or encouragement and that's something we can rarely give somebody
He said that in many ways the ride, and suffering the disease, were similar.
"Both of them are pretty slow, painful journeys and I was in hospital for the bone marrow transplant for roughly the same
amount of time I was on this ride.
"At times I did think: Am I going to make it? Same as in the hospital but fortunately, like the illness, I am going to come
out the other side."





第一名:Meizi Ninon Liu,中国