Friday, September 19
If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be bright.—Matt. 6:22.
A simple eye is sincere, pure in motive, and free from greed and selfish ambition. Having a simple eye does not mean living in abject poverty or being negligent in caring for our Christian responsibilities. Rather, it means showing “soundness of mind” as we keep Jehovah’s service in first place. (2 Tim. 1:7) Maintaining a simple eye calls for faith and courage. For example, if an employer insists that you regularly work at a time scheduled for Christian meetings, will you courageously stick to your spiritual priorities? If a person has doubts that Jehovah will fulfill His promise to care for His servants, then Satan simply needs to keep up the pressure and such a person might stop attending meetings altogether. Yes, a lack of faith on our part can give Satan a hold on us so that he, not Jehovah, sets our priorities. What a tragedy that would be!—2 Cor. 13:5. w06 10/1 3:15, 16 |