
实际是前东德国歌“Auferstanden aus Ruinen”,讲的是在二战后社会主义民主德国浴火重生,劳动人民用自己的双手重建家园。曲调气势磅礴,歌词修改一下其实非常切换灾区重建的

German lyrics

Auferstanden aus Ruinen
und der Zukunft zugewandt,
lasst uns Dir zum Guten dienen,
Deutschland, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt es zu zwingen,
und wir zwingen sie vereint,
denn es muss uns doch gelingen,
dass die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint,
über Deutschland scheint.

Glück und Friede sei beschieden
Deutschland, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
schlagen wir des Volkes Feind.
Lasst das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
dass nie eine Mutter mehr
ihren Sohn beweint,
ihren Sohn beweint.

Lasst uns pflügen, lasst uns bauen,
lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
und der eignen Kraft vertrauend
steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Deutsche Jugend, bestes Streben
unsres Volks in dir vereint,
wirst du Deutschlands neues Leben.
Und die Sonne schön wie nie
über Deutschland scheint,
über Deutschland scheint.

英语歌词Official SED English translation(FROM网络):

From the ruins risen newly,
to the future turned, we stand.
Let us serve your good weal truly,
Germany, our fatherland!
Triumph over bygone sorrow,
can in unity be won.
For we shall attain a morrow,
when over our Germany,
there is radiant sun,
there is radiant sun!

May both peace and joy inspire,
Germany, our fatherland.
Peace is all the world's desire,
to the peoples lend your hand!
In fraternity united,
we shall crush the people's foe.
Let all paths by peace be lighted,
that no mother shall again
mourn her son in woe,
mourn her son in woe!

Let us plough and build our nation,
learn and work as never yet,
that a free new generation,
faith in its own strength beget!
German youth, for whom the striving
of our people is at one,
you are Germany's reviving,
and over our Germany,
there is radiant sun,
there is radiant sun!

[ 本帖最后由 whisper 于 2008-5-22 14:54 编辑 ]
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Risen from the ruins
and faced towards the future,
Let us serve you for the good,
Germany, united fatherland.
Old woes have to be conquered,
and united so we shall,
For we must be successful for once
that the sun, beautiful as never before,
Shines over Germany,
shines over Germany.

Happiness and peace may be granted
Germany, our fatherland.
All the world longs for peace,
so go forth and extend your hand.
When as brothers we unite,
we defeat the people's foe.
Let shine the light of Peace
so that no mother ever again must
Mourn her son,
mourn her son.

Let us plough, let us build,
do learn and work as never before,
And, with confidence in its own strength,
a free generation will come forth.
German youth, the best endeavor
of our people combined in you,
You will be Germany's new life.
And the sun, more beautiful than ever
Shine over Germany,
shine over Germany.